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Friday, 3 March 2006
Stalking Minuteman Kids at Their Schools -
You Want Outrage?

I edited the information on this website to compose an email to

Here is the text of what I sent

" Casa de Maryland spokeman, Executive Director Gustavo Torres says, “… we are
going to picket their houses, and the schools of their kids” (Minuteman
Volunteers’ kids).

“No taxpayer funds should be used to pay for salaries/benefits of executives
of groups that threaten the homes, children of those law-abiding citizens who
oppose illegal immigration.

A group is using taxpayer funding to stalk the children of those lawfully
observing and reporting criminal activity??. The whole issue of Sanctuary City
status and the actions of this group (Casa de Maryland) in particular is a
subversion of our laws and needs to be ended. Now.

Daniel William Kauffman Jr

I urge everyone reading this to compile their own complaint and PASS THIS ON!

In other news of thugs threatening children from the comments sectoion of No Pasarn! we learn of Cartoonist?s Daughter Hunted by 12 Jihadists

"The RoP sent 12 jihadis to the school of one of the cartoonist's 7-year old daughter"

Notice they figured they needed TWELVE men to handl one little girl?]

More information on fanatics stalking children at Rhymes With Right with Children Of Minutemen Threatened By Tax-Funded Pro-Border-Jumper Group and Michelle Malkin with CARTOON JIHAD: HUNTING THE KIDS

Oh what VALIANT Ghazzi Warriors. No wonder they need virgins when they go
to paradise any woman who had been with a real man would fall down laughing at them.

UPDATE Breaking News Agora has updated their article as new information comes in

Cartoonist?s Daughter Hunted by 12 Jihadists 12 Youngsters 6-8 Girls

Ok, this all turned out to be a hoax. Apparently, Jens Rohde misquoted the information he got from the meeting he attended. Scroll down for the latest. I have posted an analysis of the whole thing here - who knew what when. I have closed comments (but not trackbacks) on this post and would like it if you post comments to this post at the aforementioned post. So far, the actual facts of the story are as follows:

Four weeks ago, 6-8 Moslem girls showed up at the school of the daughter of one of the cartoonists, asking for "the daughter of the cartoonist who had insulted their prophet". They were turned away at the door.

If you want the whole story, read on


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 5 March 2006 12:07 AM CST

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