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Friday, 5 May 2006
Strongly Disapprove
Definitely Vote Against

It is sometimes hard to compare two polls whose labels use different language, but I will make an attempt.

I will start with the assumption that

Strongly Disapprove (of) is equivalent to (will)Definitely Vote Against.

Does that sound reasonable? I do not think that

Somewhat Disapprove (of) relates the same animus as (will)Definitely Vote Against.

If you do not agree, then please explain your Logic in my comments section.

The reason for my writing the above in such ambiguous terms is because we are often Inundated with polemics about Bush's declining Poll Numbers while at the same time Hillary Clinton is mentioned in hush terms as the most likely Candidate to get the Democratic Presidential Nomination in 2008 and lead them to a Final Solution vis a vis the Repugicans.

So what IS the Reality?

Here are the latest results on the Rasmussen Polling Site (who favored Kerry in the last election, I might add for balance)


I have made the jpgs above hyperlinks to the pertinent articles, be advised as time goes on the figures will alter in the articles.

But it does seem to me that the catastrophic Non-approval rating for Bush of

"Strongly Disapprove(e) 40%"

bears a strong resemblance to the Non-approval rating of Hillary

"Def(initely) Vote Against 39%"

What do YOU think?


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:11 PM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 5 May 2006 5:16 PM CDT

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 11:26 PM CDT

Name: The Troll

The reality is that they are definitly NOT interested in the opinions of people like you or I. Thank God for the internet, free speech, and the drive to speak ones mind.

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