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Friday, 9 June 2006
It's The Cherry On The Sundae
It's the Icing on the Cake.
It Is Poetic Justice
In the Most Impressive Way.

Zarqawi didn't die instantly
Al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was still alive when American forces arrived on the scene of an air strike that targeted him but died of his injuries shortly after, a US general said.

"From the debrief this morning, which gave us greater clarity that we had before, Zarqawi in fact did survive the air strike," said Major General William Caldwell, a US military spokesman.

Iraqi police, the first on the scene, found Zarqawi alive and put him on a stretcher. US troops arriving later were examining him on the stretcher when he died, the general said in a video conference, according to AFP.

The US forces "went immediately to the person on the stretcher, were able to start identifying him by some distinguishing marks on his body. They had some kind of visual facial recognition."

"According to the person on the ground, Zarqawi attempted to sort of turn away off the stretcher. Everybody resecured him on the stretcher, but he died immediately thereafter," Caldwell said.

Caldwell said there was nothing in the report that indicated that Zarqawi was shot or died of wounds other than those received in the bombing.

? 2006 Al Bawaba (

Which means to me that he might have known he had been captured.

That is a scenerio I prefer to the house being hit with smart bombs and Zarqawi never knowing what hit him.

Yes I have a vindictive streak. I much prefer him knowing he was captured and had no place to run. With any luck he might actually have thought we would treat him as he did his own captives.

Some might say, I dehumanise Zarqawi, which would be wrong. In more than one sense actually.

The Truth is that I cannot dehumanise Zarqawi he beat me to it.

For those who do not understand or condemn go here
and take a look at the photos and quotes on the bottom of the page.
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I guess Great Minds think alike, the first referral link to my website I clicked on after putting this up was It keeps getting better and better By Techievampire


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:07 PM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 9 June 2006 11:00 PM CDT

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