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Monday, 19 June 2006
I Don't Care Who You Are, That's Funny Right There
Got beat to this quip by salfter in The Chix Love "Country"... Just Not This One from Big Lizards it's too good not to use, but I feel I should give credit to him for recalling one of Larry the Cable Guys sayings, before I did.

While I am on the subject I figure most who find their way here will also get a kick out of his blog too.

As I mentioned in an earlier post Taking the Long Way did get knocked out of the #1 place position on Walmart's Top 100 CDs by the Blue Collar Comedy Club, but only for one night, still having the Chicks moving over for Larry the Cable Guy did give me a chuckle even if it was only for a short time.

In other news I was surprised to see that Taking the Long Way is already being sold by and here I thought that was a venue for manufacturers who had made a mistake and needed to dump overruns.

Still the best Prices are on and at least according to MSN Shopping

But the very best prices seem to be on the second source links. Yes, used/like new discs are already out there. Could it be that some bought the album to make a political statement but want their money back too? ;-)

I have a question. Does the RIAA count record sales to Discount/Clearance Houses towards Gold and Platinum Certificates?
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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:24 PM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 20 June 2006 12:11 AM CDT

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