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Tuesday, 20 June 2006
We Can Still Lose If We Withdraw Quickly
That just has to be the definitive example of the Democratic Party's Geo-political Strategy for the 21st Century.

I owe the discovery of this clever turn of phrase to
Democrats Go For ‘Bigger Mistake’ In Iraq from The Strata-Sphere

"Jack Kelley has a way of culling out the essence of a situation and exposing it as the pivot point to the debate. In the case of the Democrats’ plans to Lose In Iraq (which was conveniently left off their proposed plans for the 2006 elections) we see how the left can excel over the right and race to the bigger blunder. From Jack Kelley:

Calls for withdrawal have taken on urgency since the U.S. Air Force interrupted a meeting being held by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in a safe house near Baquba June 7. We can still lose if we withdraw quickly, Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA) in effect said on the weekend talk shows.

Most Americans do not share this perverse passion. A majority thinks it was a mistake to go to war in Iraq, opinion polls indicate. But a majority thinks it would be a bigger mistake to leave precipitously.

How very true. While most people may have lost hope for Iraq, they have not lost their reason. And while most people feel it was a price too high to pay in Iraq, they know there is a higher price to pay on top of this if we fail, especially if we fail due to our own actions. So here we have the left doing the unthinkable a few short years ago. They are taking a bad situation and openly claiming they alone can make it worse. And Americans are noticing."

It has been said that, "those who study History are doomed to see it being repeated by those who do not."

In that manner let us digress and ponder the last decade or two in the Persian Gulf.

They said: "Iraq has the 4th largest military in
the world, it will be a hard nut to
crack, military casualties will be
in the tens of thousands, civilians
in the hundreds of thousands"

They were wrong

They said: "Afghanistan is not Iraq,
it is the graveyard of
armies,military casualties will be
in the tens of thousands, civilians
in the hundreds of thousands"

They were wrong.

They said "Iraq is not Afghanistan."

We replied "Yeah we know, we have already
done Iraq before"

But still

They said: "Iraq has the 4th largest military in
the world, it will be a hard nut to
crack, military casualties will be
in the tens of thousands, civilians
in the hundreds of thousands"

They were wrong

Can anyone tell me the last time the DNC was RIGHT as regards National Security?

I mean Murtha wants to redeploy over the horizon to OKINAWA? Why not Maine the flight time would be less!

As I said at the start of this post,"We Can Still Lose If We Withdraw Quickly" makes a catchy slogan, but as a campaign rallying point? It may leave something to be desired.
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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:00 PM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 20 June 2006 8:48 PM CDT

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