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Wednesday, 2 August 2006
Hezbollah and Iran: Security Risks Beyond the Middle East - Complimentary Download!
Stratfor analysts continue to be on full alert, closely monitoring the conflict in the Middle East, and providing expanded 24/7 coverage on the current crisis and latest ground offensive.

Intelligence received by Stratfor in the past 24 hours indicates that Israel believes military operations against Hezbollah will soon be reaching a climax in Lebanon, and activity by both sides in the conflict since then has been intensifying. It has been our assessment that as Hezbollah fighters come under greater duress, there is a strong possibility that the organization will revert to employing terrorist tactics against Westerners that it used in the past - such as kidnappings, bombings or other acts of violence.

We have also taken note of a warden message issued yesterday, August 1st, that imposes a curfew on U.S. Embassy staff in Damascus - a precaution for their safety as emotions run high in Syria. We view this as further affirmation that, with military operations entering a crucial phase, the danger of terrorist activity is now ticking upward. We have no direct intelligence on this but we are clearly entering a period of heightened threat.

For the safety of our readers, we invite you to read a recent special report produced by our security team. This report outlines where Stratfor believes terrorist attacks might be possible, the kinds of targets Hezbollah might choose, its rationale for doing so and the rapidity with which the organization might move.

Hezbollah and Iran: Security Risks Beyond the Middle East

is available to you for download in PDF format, with our compliments, at
You are welcome to share this information and the tips included in the report with family and friends.

If you have any questions regarding your service or would like to send us any comments, please contact us via e-mail at or call 1.877.9STRAT4, Monday-Friday 9 AM to 5PM CDT.

Best Regards,

Your Customer Service Team at
Strategic Forecasting, Inc.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:43 PM CDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 2 August 2006 4:55 PM CDT

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