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Monday, 7 August 2006
The Politics of a Carnivorous Vegan
I occasionally run across someone who informs me solemnly that they are Fiscally Conservative, but Socially Liberal.

I must confess I find that statement a little confusing and my internal mental reaction is.

"Isn't that like saying you are a Carnivorous Vegan?"

What does it mean to be Fiscally Conservative, yet Socially Liberal?

They favor massive Federal Social Programs, but don't want them funded?

Or maybe it means that They want Federal Social Programs that they approve of funded and reduced spending on everything else?

I have noticed that those who make those claims do seem to feel we spend too much on Defense.

I had one with great dungeon proclaim that the spending in Iraq was going to RUIN the Economy of the US!

Doesn't matter that Social Spending is about 3X Defense spending, it was the 20% of the Federal Budget that is spent on Defense that would RUIN the Economy of the US!

I suppose part of my confusion stems from the fact that the definition of a Social Liberal is confused.

Definitions of Social liberal on the Web:

this term has two conflicting meanings. The more widely-used definition refers to a person who is liberal on social issues such as civil rights, civil liberties, and immigration. Another definition, which is more academic, refers to a liberal who is an economic leftist, and divides liberals into social liberals (who are simply called "liberals" in the first definition) and libertarians.

Social liberalism is either a synonym for new liberalism or a label used by progressive liberal parties in order to differentiate themselves from market liberal parties, especially when there are two or more liberal parties in a country.

. Fiscal conservatism.

A belief in personal responsibility for finances. Scaling back taxation to allow greater control over individual incomes. Conservative thinking promotes cutbacks in public spending enabling tax breaks to be given to those that are earning, and believes in helping those out of work back into self sufficiency.

I can see how the first definition of Social Liberal could exist simultaneously with Fiscal Conservatism. But somehow I am not certain that all those who claim that stance are really all that much in favor of
A belief in personal responsibility for finances. Scaling back taxation to allow greater control over individual incomes. Conservative thinking promotes cutbacks in public spending enabling tax breaks to be given to those that are earning, and believes in helping those out of work back into self sufficiency.

Be nice if I were wrong.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:32 PM CDT
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Updated: Monday, 7 August 2006 10:00 PM CDT

Tuesday, 8 August 2006 - 9:10 AM CDT

Name: James Joyner
Home Page:

Uh, why does your software actually PUBLISH the email address? No other blog I've ever seen does that. It's usually just kept available to site admins but not posted on the page. This way, it's a harvesting ground for spammers.

Tuesday, 8 August 2006 - 9:13 AM CDT

Name: James Joyner
Home Page:

Perhaps what they really mean is that they're fiscally conservative but socially LIBERTARIAN. That is, they want the government to stay out of such issues as sexuality, drug use, and the like rather than wanting the government to redistribute income and so forth.

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