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Monday, 11 September 2006
Did You Feel Safer After February 26, 1993?
February 26, 1993?

Don't remember what that day was?

It was the FIRST time they tried to bring down the Word Trade Tower.

Today is the fifth anniversay of Sept 11, 2001, 9/11 the day they
SUCEEDED in taking down the World Trade Towers.

I have heard a lot of bilge about whether we are safer now.

Well I have this question.

How safe were we after Feburary 23, 1993 when for the better part of two Presidential terms we did nothing to combat Jihadist Terrorism?

Did that strategy make the American People Safer?

What does the concept we hear so much these days,

"Do you feel safer after 9/11" really mean anyway?

One side of the political spectrum seems to place a lot of value on feelings. It doesn't seem to matter if actions make a situation worse as long as it makes people feel better, feel like these actions make a difference. The reality does not matter.

The truth is in any situation of danger, feeling safe can be fatal.

The Truth is we were not safe before Sept 11, 2001, but I would imagine all those who went to the World Trade Tower that morning felt safe.

But they were wrong.

If we want the world to be safer, then there are things that must be done to create a safer world.

Among them are finding and ridding the world of those who prey and target for death, destruction and torture the innocent and helpless.

They will not stop because we wish them to.

They will not stop because we feel they should.

They will stop when thay are met, opposed, defeated and are dead.

It is best for the American People to give up the Illusion of feeling safe and realise they are threatened, and then do what is necesaary to end it.

But you fight the bad guys. Don?t you hate them?? Sarah persisted, unconvinced by Shawn?s logic.
Again, he shook his head sadly. ?No. No, I don?t hate them.? Shawn said standing up and taking Sarah?s hand. He took the lead and resumed walking towards the red brick apartment buildings that now stood only a couple hundred yards. ?For me, it is not about revenge? it is a reckoning,? he said with a resolute nod of his head.
?A reckoning?? Sarah questioned, her curiosity piqued.
?Yeah, a reckoning,? he replied and then found himself struggling to put into words a meaning that would make sense to anyone but himself. ?It is just something that has to be dealt with, that has to be done whether we want to or not,? he stated,

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
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Updated: Monday, 11 September 2006 11:31 PM CDT

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