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Monday, 18 September 2006
The Papal Intifada
This just came in from Iris Blog to my email you can get these updates too.

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Muslims are now attacking churches and Christians worldwide, under the pretext that they were offended by remarks made by the Pope. Actually attacks on Christians and churches occur continually, but this week is different in that they are actually being reported.

For example, on September 9, a YMCA was torched in the Palestinian city of Qalqilya by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists and a Nexis search 4 days later found zero references to the attack in the mainstream media. Similarly, zero reports of the murder of a convert to Christianity on September 7. The death penalty for converts is consonant with all normative Muslim Law (sharia), despite the MSM's repeated downplaying of its significance.

September 18:

The Pope Must Die, Says UK Muslim

7 Churches Firebombed in Palestinian Areas

Iraq's al-Qaeda Threatens to 'Destroy the Cross'

Gazans Warn Pope to Accept Islam

Iraq al-Qaeda Says Pope, West Are Doomed

September 17:

Muslim Gunmen Shoot Elderly Nun Dead in Somalia

Iranian Press: Israeli-US Plot Behind Pope's Remarks

The Jews apparently control Catholicism as well

September 16:

Somali Imam Salls for Pope to be "Hunted down and Killed by the Nearest Muslim"

Mujahideen's Army Threatens Pope with Suicide Attack

Arab Op-Ed: Pope’s Remarks May Lead to War

Vatican: Pope Regrets Offending Muslims

'REGRET' NOT ENOUGH: 'We want a personal apology'

5 Churches Attacked in Palestinian Areas

The Original Speech

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:32 PM CDT
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Updated: Monday, 18 September 2006 9:44 PM CDT

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