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Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Things Worth A Riot

The Pope may or may not have meant what he is accused of, but it would appear there are quite a few Muslims bound and determined to prove and uphold what he quoted.

Are there any events that would have been worth riots by us? Which did not happen?

Well I would say this would have been worth at least a gathering of denunciation in front of CAIR's headquarters.

It has been 5 years and few knew about or remember this obscenity. I am speaking of the “NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund.”

Critics have also taken aim at CAIR's fundraising and sources of funds. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, CAIR's website solicited donations for what it called the "NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund." However, clicking on the donation link led to a website for donations to the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), a charity whose assets were later frozen and confiscated by the United States Department of the Treasury because, according to United States Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill, HLF "masquerade[d] as a charity, while its primary purpose [was] to fund Hamas."

Of course anyone pointing out these unpleasant facts will be immediately accused of being Islamophobic.

I got to wondering how Islamophobic were the American People, after 9/11/2001. The FBI keeps pretty good data on Hate Crimes so I looked up

FBI - Crime in the US, 2002 - Crime Index Offenses Reported

Yes folks, the American People were so Islamophobic that Hate Crimes against Muslims climbed all the way up to about a whopping SEVENTEEN PERCENT of those against Jews and 72% of hate crimes against Asian/Pacific Islander.

That's pretty Islamophobic, because we all know how serious the Asian/Pacific Islander Terrorist Problem is.

The truth is as a Society we are extremely tolerant, understanding and unwilling to assign collective guilt.

There were shameful incidents, but no overall outpouring of rage to begin to compare with the hysterical actions by Muslims worldwide lately.

But when I think of what CAIR did during that period after 9/11, I almost wish in their case and exception had been made,

Almost, because we really are not like that, but it seems they are.

I see Michelle Malkin agrees with me that there isa difference between us and them...

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:23 AM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 19 September 2006 8:56 AM CDT

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