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Friday, 22 September 2006
Remind Me Again, Why Did We Come Here?
Saw a post at No Pasarn! called Where she belongs
On Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

Neither is she pessimistic about the West. It has, she says, "the drive to innovate.'' But Europe, she thinks, is invertebrate. After two generations without war, Europeans "have no idea what an enemy is.'' And they think, she says, that leadership is an antiquated notion because they believe that caring governments can socialize everyone to behave well, thereby erasing personal accountability and responsibility. "I can't even tell it without laughing,'' she says, laughing softly. Clearly she is where she belongs, at last.

Now I have some ancestors that walked here (On the Bering Land bridge during the end of the last Ice Age) and I have some ancestors that rode later, but they have all certain things in common. They went to a lotof trouble to get here.

Remind Me Again, Why Did We Come Here?

Oh that's right because it was a lot better here, more Opportunities, more Freedom, more Liberty, more of an entire array of things that in the OLD world were often reserved for the elite.

Some people forget that. Some people make a big deal because they say the US stole what is now the Southern South West from Mexico, leave aside the fact that the Mexicans and Spanish stole that land from the First Nations, if that ares had stayed in Mexico, what makes anyone think it would be any different today than the rest of Mexico?

Would people be risking death in the desert to get to somewhere just like the place they were leaving?

Some people also forget that some of our ancestors went to a lot of trouble, to leave Europe.

Why should we go to a lot of trouble to duplicate the failed Socialist policies of Europe? Why should we wish to turn this country into a duplicate of what we spent so much effort to leave?

Remind Me Again, Why Did We Come Here?
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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:02 PM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 9:07 PM CDT

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