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Sunday, 24 September 2006
Jihad Means Struggle
We have been told over and over again that the word Jihad means internal struggle

CAIR: The Council on American-Islamic Relations
Shora explained that the Arabic word "jihad" means "struggle," not "holy war," but the word has been hijacked by terrorists groups to justify attacking innocent civilians. "Lesser jihad" or "defensive jihad" refers to a military stand against the enemies of religion, but is meant to be a call to arms if the religion is under attack and threatened with annihilation.

The Canadian office of the Council on American-Islamic
"Islam respects the sacredness of life, and rejects any express statement or tacit insinuation that Muslims should harm innocent people. Despite our disagreement with certain American policies, we must never abuse the concept of Jihad to target innocent civilians.

"Jihad, which literally means 'struggle,' has an internal, societal and combative dimension. The internal dimension of Jihad encompasses the struggle against the evil inclinations of the self, and the spiritual project to adorn the self with virtues such as justice, mercy, generosity and gentleness. The societal dimension includes struggling against social injustice and creating a communal identity based on charity, respect and equality.

But I just finished viewing a daunting video presentation.

It would be hard to do justice to the message conveyed, one item stands out most strikingly.

A statement by Walid Shoebat a former Palestinian Terrorist (reformed)

I won't bother to source the statements by numerous Islamic Religious Leaders that Jihad also means Holy War to destroy the Jews, the Idolaters and the Polytheists.

Walid Shoebat summed it up perfectly.

Yes Jihad means struggle.

But so did


and as for the statement:

"we must never abuse the concept of Jihad to target innocent civilians'

I will close with the statement of one of the Muslim Clerics in Obsession,

No Kaffir is Innocent

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:07 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 24 September 2006 9:14 AM CDT

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