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Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Those Who Bite The Hand That Feeds Them
From IRIS to my email in box to you.

Abbas' Fatah Declares War on US "Without Mercy"
Last week, IRIS was probably the first to ask the question whether the universally reported Hamas-Fatah civil war is a scam. Certainly America and Israel have been snookered by Arafat and Abbas' good cop (Fatah) / bad cop (Hamas) routine for years. When speaking in Arabic, however, Fatah is as just as bad a cop as any, as this story shows:

Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades and Others Declare War on America
Four Palestinian Authority terrorist groups, including that of PA President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah organization, called on Muslims worldwide to attack America "with no mercy."

In a joint statement issued on Sunday, the four groups announced that the United States will be a target for them to the same extent Israel is....

The statement more specifically called on the Arab states to support the terrorist groups financially and materially, to "enhance the resistance against the Israeli and American enemy."

Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades and Others Declare War on America
16:18 Nov 13, '06 / 22 Cheshvan 5767
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

Four Palestinian Authority terrorist groups, including that of PA President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah organization, called on Muslims worldwide to attack America "with no mercy."

Defense/Middle East

Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades and Others Declare War on America
16:18 Nov 13, '06 / 22 Cheshvan 5767
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

Four Palestinian Authority terrorist groups, including that of PA President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah organization, called on Muslims worldwide to attack America "with no mercy."

In a joint statement issued on Sunday, the four groups announced that the United States will be a target for them to the same extent Israel is. They warned that they will attack American targets because of "American support for Israeli crimes and acts of massacre, such as the one in Beit Hanoun."

In the joint communique, the terrorists call on "all free people of the world, and all the mujahadeen [jihadists] to hit the US with no mercy." They added that "Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan are all being destroyed by American weapons; they who plant the bombs and destruction in the region should reap the results of what they planted with their soldiers and warplanes."

The statement more specifically called on the Arab states to support the terrorist groups financially and materially, to "enhance the resistance against the Israeli and American enemy."

The communique was released in reaction to the US veto on Saturday of a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned Israel's counter-terrorism offensive in the Gaza region, which apparently led to the deaths of at least 18 Arab civilians. The resolution also would have established a UN fact-finding team, as well as creating "an international mechanism" tasked with "protection of the civilian populations." In their joint statement, the terrorist groups called the UNSC a "false council... to protect Israel and its security, to the detriment of Palestinian blood."

In addition to the Fatah's Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the call to attack the U.S. was issued by the Popular Resistance Committee's Salah A-Din (Saladin) Brigades, the ad-hoc Abu Rish Brigades and the Tawheed Brigades. The last-mentioned group may be affiliated with the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

The four terrorist factions declared: "America, of the false civilization, ignores yet again the blood of innocent people. They have no guilt, yet the Americans look at it [Palestinian blood] as cheaper than Jewish blood. Beit Hanoun was a massacre committed by Israeli hands, using American weapons under US official supervision, with a green light from the US, completed by the Americans' use of the veto in the Security Council

You can go here to see the amounts and kind of assistance USAID provides to these ingrates.

Is U.S. policy pro-Israeli and anti-Palestinian?

The US Government has long maintained a close relationship with the Government of Israel. However, this support for Israel does not imply that the U.S. is anti-Palestinian. Indeed, as stated repeatedly by President Bush, the U.S. supports the establishment of a Palestinian state that will exist side-by-side with Israel in peace. The extraordinary amounts of assistance provided to Palestinians by USAID since 1994 is intended to further that policy.

How much is the USAID WB/G budget?

Since 1994, the regular USAID annual budget has been approximately $75 million. In 2000, the U.S. Congress provided an additional $400 million to USAID for the Palestinian people to facilitate the implementation of the Wye River Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Therefore, between 1994 and 2002, USAID received approximately $1.1 billion for development assistance programs in the West Bank and Gaza. The $1.1 billion appropriated during this period constitutes the third largest amount provided by the U.S. Government for any foreign assistance program. Moreover, according to the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation 's (MOPIC) comparative data, the U.S. is the highest disbursing bilateral donor in the West Bank and Gaza.

I don't know about you, but I want my money back. If not that, at least when a dog bites the hand that feeds it we can stop.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:32 PM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 14 November 2006 9:35 PM CST

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