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Friday, 29 December 2006
College of William and Mary Accommodates Religious Bigots
The Title of this article in the Washington Post is

School's Move Toward Inclusion Creates a Rift
But it is far from about inclusion. It is about pandering to religious bigots.
WILLIAMSBURG -- The cross is small, perhaps no more than 18 inches above its base, its gleaming brass surface marked only by an inscription.

But the cross, which has graced the altar table in a chapel at the College of William and Mary for decades, has come to symbolize a passionate debate about religious tolerance ever since the school's president ordered the cross removed from historic Wren Chapel.

Gene R. Nichol, who became president of the state university in July 2005, said he wanted to make the chapel welcoming to students of all faiths. So in October he ordered that the cross be stored in the chapel's sacristy unless someone asked to display it during a service.

Nichol said the campus population has become more diverse, with growing numbers of Muslims, Hindus and people of other faiths on campus, some of whom felt put off by the cross. Until his decision, students or others who used the chapel could ask to have the cross removed for weddings or other services.

That last paragraph is what I find objectionable.

Anyone who feels put off by a Christian symbol in a CHRISTIAN CHURCH could use some lessons in religious tolerance. Anyone who feels such an attitude should be pandered to could also use the same.

What would be the response of the academic community if Jewish, Hindu and Muslim icons were removed from their respective places of worship because they might put off Christian students?

Is there any doubt that the result would be a resounding outcry of condemnation of the religious bigotry this would indicate?

Anyone,who is put off by the religious symbols of a faith other than their own, needs to refrain from entering those places of worship.

Anyone, who as a matter of course assumes that students of other religions are religious bigots to that extreme needs to be removed from office.

Respect for different religions must include respect for the religions and symbols held sacred
by many Americans or it is only words.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:12 PM CST
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Updated: Friday, 29 December 2006 9:30 PM CST

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