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Monday, 12 February 2007
Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?
I realize that attempts to create healthier food is a laudable endeavor, but really adding Fish Oil to PEANUT BUTTER?

There are some things that should be sacred and left in their pristine natural state!

But no. It seems that our childhood buddy peanut butter has been improved.

Smart Balance? Omega Peanut Butter
In addition to the right balance of fats to help improve the cholesterol ratio (HDL/LDL), all Smart Balance foods offer a healthy ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids. Americans consume too few omega-3’s so Smart Balance now offers an Omega line with extra omega-3’s from land and sea.

Smart Balance? Omega Peanut Butter

Contains 1000 mg Omega-3’s per serving with great peanut taste. No hydrogenated oil; no trans fatty acid and no refined sugar. Made from premium, deep-roasted peanuts for extra toasted flavor. All natural but doesn’t need refrigeration.

One reason for this decision may be contained in the material found in the Vegetarian Journal Sept/Oct 2001 edition.

American Heart Association Calls for Eating Fish Twice Per Week - What’s a Vegetarian To Do?

Maybe you should eat meat because it is good for you and your body requires it?

Naw that is too simple an answer.

Stick your tongue up on the middle of your upper teeth. Feel the ones that stick down with a sharp point? Those are called CANINES. They are called that for a reason. Nature designed them for MEAT EATING.

You HAVE them, unless you had them pulled that makes YOU a meat eater. Whether you choose to or not.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:07 AM CST
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Updated: Monday, 12 February 2007 8:23 AM CST

Saturday, 17 February 2007 - 1:08 AM CST

Name: Gus

Below is a link to a very good movie regarding illegal immigration and the border war. Please pass it on to friends as for sure you won’t see it in the mainstream media.

Wednesday, 28 February 2007 - 10:30 AM CST

Name: David
Home Page:

We have been using a "spread" that is peanut butter with flax seed and flax oil added. It allows us to have a tasty (better than any big name brand we've used) peanut butter` flavor and still keep my wife's cardiologist happy. Besides, I get to have some crunchiness (the flax seeds) w/o having to buy a separate jar just for my use.

On the truly weird route to staying with her cardio routine, we tried soybutter. Interesting. I happen to like roasted soynuts, so it was OK for me (though still just similar to peanut butter), but my Wonder Woman does NOT like the flavor of roasted soy beans, so that was a bust (and I git to finish the jar... yum! :-)).

But messing with peanut butter? Have you ever read the label on major brands? I certainly like real peanut butter (and sometimes make my own from unsalted roasted peanuts run through a food processor), but you'll not find much of that on grocery store shelves.

Wednesday, 28 February 2007 - 10:43 AM CST

Name: David
Home Page:

BTW, the ingredient label for the Smart Balance stuff lists NO fish oils. Lists flax seed oil and palm fruit oils. Nothing fishy about that.


And Jiff Peanut Butter (a perrennial fav for many peanut butter lovers) isn't peanut butter, either, if one is a purist: contains soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sugar and molasses.

Peter Pan? Another popular brand... Big recall because of salmonella contamination right now, but ingredients? POretty much the same: added sugars and non-peanut oils.

So, Smart Balance adds a different mix of "vegetable" oils than other brands do, one higher in Omega 3s. Trust me: it'll taste about the same as Jiff or (pre-salmonella) Peter Pan. Yeh, the Smart Balance has molasses listed on the ingredient label, too (but not "sugar" as well). Still, unlike other so-called "peanut butters" that list sugar at (usually) the number two slot in the ingredient list--meaning it's the second largest constituent-- and molasses close behind, the SB spread lists molasses last.

Hmmm... I may have to try some of that. Probably tastes more "peanutty" than Jiff.

Thursday, 1 March 2007 - 8:45 AM CST

Name: ky/kentuckydan

Hi David, nice to know some actual USE the link references
I put up.

Yes I know they used flaxseed as a source for Omega3 but since Fish Oil is what is used in almost all the commercials you hear these days, I just couldn't resist the subtitution LOL

Consider me being caught

Point to thirdworld. ;-))

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