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Friday, 2 March 2007
No Abe Lincoln
Recently Barak Obama announced his candidacy for president of the United States at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., - where Abraham Lincoln gave his "House divided" speech against slavery.

'Rock star' Obama in the land of Lincoln

Obviously this was a ploy to portray some symbolic message, but myself I found it bizarre.

Not because he is a Democrat and Lincoln was a Republican though that is part of it.

Not because Obama's father was from Kenya and thus has little direct ancestral ties to slavery in this country or to the struggle for Civil Rights.

But solely in my eyes the paradox arises from his position on politics.

What is his major platform item?

The War is a disaster, we need to pull out, bring the troops home and accept Defeat rather than strive for Victory.

And he is using Abraham Lincoln as a symbolic icon?????????

I mean, it was the dream of the Democratic Party of Lincoln's, day to drive him from the Presidency, End the War and bring the troops home, accepting Defeat rather than striving for Victory and allowing the South to go its way unimpeded.

So if Barak Obama's philosophical Democratic fore bearers had their way back then.

The North would have ended the War with Defeat.

There would have be no Emancipation Proclamation.

There would have been No Thirteenth Amendment.

The South would have become a separate Nation.

Slavery would not have ended.

I mean if you think the Iraq was is a Disaster?

What would you have called the first few years of the Civil War?


The use of Lincoln as a Symbol for a Democratic Presidential Candidate is ludicrous at best and almost obscene, at worst considering that Party's desires and political aims then and now.

Barak Obama?

You are NO Abe Lincoln!!!!!!!!!

But if the Nation is fortunate?

Maybe you will be a Walter Mondale.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CST
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Updated: Friday, 2 March 2007 2:24 AM CST

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