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Friday, 9 March 2007
Iran?s Islamists terrorise young women with acid

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 04 – In the latest “acid attack” by radical Islamists on young women accused of ignoring the country’s strict dress regulations, two female university students had acid splashed on their faces in the town of Shahroud, north-eastern Iran.

The two women, aged 21 and 22, study geography in Shahroud’s Open University. Unidentified assailants travelling on a motorbike moved next to them in Ferdowsi Street and threw acid on their faces as they were walking. The attackers immediately left the scene and have not been arrested.

Radical Islamists operating under the umbrella of the paramilitary Bassij force and Ansar-e Hezbollah have stepped up their campaign against the “mal-veiling” of women and girls since the election of hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Iranian President regularly addresses meetings of these Islamic vigilantes and praises their efforts “to purify the Islamic Republic of the vestiges of corrupt Western culture”.

What is the message here?

There are some who follow the multicultural path, who do not believe there are absolutes in morality.

To my eyes what you read above is an abomination.

It is indicative of an Ideology that is brutal, oppressive and EVIL.

There are some who maintain that one cannot compromise with Evil.

There are others who point out that politics is the art of the "possible" and we must in fact compromise and strike a bargain with these obscenities.

The question I have is what bargain can you strike that will be kept?

It is said, "He who would sup with the Devil should bring a long spoon".

The term "long spoon" has varied meanings.

Here is my choice:

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:14 AM CST
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Updated: Saturday, 10 March 2007 1:11 AM CST

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