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Friday, 23 March 2007
The European Diaspora
Breaking News from The Religion of Peace dot com

French Jews petition U.S. for asylum

More than 7,000 French Jews have signed a petition asking for political asylum in the United States because of anti-Semitism in France.

"Following the barbarous murder of a young Jew because he was Jewish, in the context of the rise in anti-Semitic acts committed by Islamic fundamentalists, numerous members of the community no longer feel safe in France," reads the petition, which was sent to the U.S. Congress. The reference was to Ilan Halimi, a 23-year-old Parisian Jew who was kidnapped and tortured to death last year by an anti-Semitic gang.

The petition asks Congress to enact a law according refugee status to French Jews. "We believe that the United States, known for its traditional welcome to those under threat in their native lands, must open its doors to us," the petition says.

French communal officials reacted with outrage. "This petition is bizarre, stupid and out of place," Haim Musicant, director of CRIF, the umbrella organization of secular French Jewish groups, told Israel's Ma'ariv newspaper. "I don't feel threatened in France, and the authorities are doing everything they can to protect the Jewish community. French Jews don't need this kind of petition."

Despite the denial of a problem by Haim Musicant, director of CRIF, other Jews do not agree as we can see in an article in the International Herald Tribune.

In his native France, a Jew feels betrayed

If that man's story is not convincing this one has to be.

French Jews are bomb-proofing their schools
Mr. Barthel walks me through the school, which was built three years ago to what he calls ?new specifications for a new reality.?

?All of our windows are made with glass both bomb- and bullet-proof; there are security cameras in all the common rooms,? he says. ?You will also notice there is no sign outside of the school that could single it out as a Jewish place.?

[?] Mr. Barthel explains the buddy system instituted at the Benvenuti school for children both arriving and leaving the premises. The students must travel in a pack and are not allowed to wear visible skullcaps or Stars of David anywhere but inside the school. They are also discouraged from dressing in a manner that Mr. Barthel calls ?Shalala,? meaning that they asked to refrain from dressing in a style which in North American parlance might be termed ?Jappy.?

?The Diesel jeans, the tight bomber jackets, these things can also make them look like Jews,? he says. ?They must look more quiet now, for safety.?

Mr. Barthel is the father of two young children. Last year, his children?s school bus, belonging to a Jewish school in Epinay-sur-seine, a northern suburb of Paris, was set on fire. ?The bus was empty when it was attacked, but still,

nobody did anything about it, not the police, not the government.?

Jews are fleeing Europe in droves, in fear for their lives and property. Jews are constructing bomb-proof schools for their children, guarded by armed men. Bomb-proof schools. Bomb-proof schools

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OTA Weekend at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 24 March 2007 5:59 AM CDT

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