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Tuesday, 27 March 2007
2008 GOP Primary Straw Poll - March 2007
The Latest from GOP Bloggers

by Matt Margolis at 05:14 AM

Welcome to GOP Bloggers' ninth 2008 Straw Poll. Our straw poll last month tallied over 11,000 votes.

Like our last poll, you get to pick which candidates you find acceptable and which ones you don't and you get to choose which candidate is your first choice for the GOP nomination in 2008. In this poll you can indicate your state, age, and gender. You can also indicate how many hours a week you read blogs, and how you can tell how committed you are to your first choice candidate.

Like our previous polls, you can post this one on your own blog and have your readers vote in the poll directly from your blog! The code is located at the bottom of this post:

Technorati Tag: ***Brownback ***Gingrich ***Giuliani
***Huckabee ***McCain***Pataki***Romney***Tancredo


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:12 AM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 27 March 2007 8:25 AM CDT

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