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Monday, 28 May 2007
Green Fields of France

A few of us gathered yesterday and to the early morning hours. Cooking out, remembering and my buddy Gabe broke out his mandolin and we sang some of the Old Songs.

This one I knew would make a great Memorial Day dedication song and I was fortunate enough to find it on youtube.

This is the dedication by the poster there and I echo his sentiments

This is my tribute to those who fought in World War One, in fact all vets of all wars. As a solider, I know the waste of war first hand and WW I was one of the most wasteful. But at the same time, I know you must fight for your freedoms. Eric Bogle wrote the song, Green Fields of France, also known as No Man's Land. Piet Chielens, coordinator of the In Flanders Fields War Museum in Ypres, Belgium, once checked all 1,700,000 names that are registered with the Commonwealth War Commission. He found no less than ten Privates William McBride. The song is covered by the group Dropkick Murphy


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:30 AM CDT
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Updated: Monday, 28 May 2007 7:38 AM CDT

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