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Friday, 15 June 2007
Don't Shoot, We're Not Jews
From Iris Blog to my email inbox to you.

Hamas Takes Control of Gaza

It appears that Hamas has consolidated power in Gaza, confirming repeated predictions on this blog prior to the Israeli pullout of August 2005 that Gaza would become Hamastan as a result:

Hamas Orders Rivals to Surrender as Gaza Falls Under Its Control

Hamas' most spectacular attack was the detonation of a one-ton tunnel bomb under a Fatah security headquarters in Khan Yunis. The ambush, which was apparently weeks in the planning, killed at least six and appeared to give Hamas control of the strategic southern town. In the border town of Rafah, Hamas fighters hoisted Hamas flags over the smoldering wreckage of the border security post as reports emerged of Fatah forces fleeing across the border into Egypt. In Gaza City, hundreds of Fatah loyalists from the influential Bakr clan surrendered to Hamas militants who had laid siege to their compound.

On Wednesday about 1,000 Palestinians protesting against the violence marched through Gaza City, drawing gunfire that killed two of the demonstrators and wounded four others. The prospect of Hamas taking control of Gaza has terrified its secular residents, who fear that Islamist rule will be imposed.

Palestinian protestors against violence were killed by the gunmen.

See also:"
Don't Shoot, We're Not Jews"

The Fatah security services ruled Gaza City for 15 years but are now holed up in fortified bunkers awaiting a fully-fledged assault by Hamas. "They're firing at us, firing RPGs, firing mortars. We're not Jews," the brother of Jamal Abu Jediyan, a Fatah commander, pleaded during a live telephone conversation with a Palestinian radio station.

Minutes later both men were dragged into the streets and riddled with bullets.

Which as it turns out was not an isolated incident, consider.

the Fatah commander Jamal Abu Sedian was shot 41 times after being pulled out of an ambulance inside the gates of the Kamal Adwan hospital.

You would think it would not take 41 bullets to kill someone pulled out of an ambulance. Are they just poor shots are just inhuman scum?

How many times have heard the excuses for atrocities committed by these gallant warriors? That they have to resort to acts of terrorism because the forces arrayed against them have over powering force?

What over powering force did an unarmed helpless man
on a stretcher threaten them with?

Or the children of a Fatah leader gunned down on their way to school?

Religious leader in Gaza: Child killers must die

Tensions grow between Hamas, Fatah following murder of three young sons of Fatah official. Gaza's former mufti rules that murderers must be executed; top Fatah official Mohammad Dahlan wipes tear, warns if Hamas fails to arrest killers, 'we'll take measures this government has yet to witness'

Ali Waked and AP Published: 12.11.06, 23:36 / Israel News

Open war between Fatah and Hamas: Thousands on Monday evening attended the funeral of three young sons of a Palestinian security officer who were killed by gunmen riddling the car taking them to school with more than 60 bullets.

So it takes 41 bullets to kill a man dragged out of an ambulance, and 60 to murder 3 little boys.

They commit these atrocities because they are vermin, there can be no excuses for such behavior.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, Blog @, DeMediacratic Nation, Maggie's Notebook, Adam's Blog, The Pet Haven Blog, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao's Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, , Jo's Cafe, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Wake Up America, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein... has no mercy, The Uncooperative Blogger, The World According to Carl, Pirate's Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, Nuke's news and views, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News,Church and State,The Right Nation, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:54 PM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 16 June 2007 9:39 AM CDT

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