Latest News from Spirit of America
Greetings Friends and Supporters!
This email includes updates and information on:
*New Project: Troops volunteering and "winning hearts" in Baghdad
*Scouting Project Update
*Brief updates on SnakeEaters, Afghan Farmers
There's a great deal of "hand wringing" that goes on here at Spirit of America as we try and decide what project to feature in our biweekly emails. They all deserve to be "heard" and funded. The requests keep coming, so here we are again.
An outreach program whose mission is to reach out to children and families of Iraq through caring, giving and loving others.
Yes, it's true, somehow our US service members make the time to volunteer to provide medical and dental care to the local Iraqi's. A Civil Military Affairs Operation Center (CMOC) operates a medical/dental clinic at Radwaniya which treats over 1200 Iraqi's every month. This request for supplies and equipment needed to maintain and improve the care at the clinic comes from Lieutenant Commander Dan Stallard, a military chaplain stationed at Camp Victory, referred to Spirit of America by General Petreaus. Not only does the clinic need basic supplies such as surgical sutures and blood pressure cuffs, they also need an Electrocardiogram Machine, ultra-sound machine and glucometer.
Military Chaplain Lieutenant Commander Stallard outfitting a baby with shoes
We really want to help Lieutenant Commander Stallard "win some hearts"! If we can raise $20,000, this project will be well on its way to fulfillment. Here's the link to give directly to Hearts for Bagdhad.
The new Chairperson for the Green Zone Council, Steven Mehringer reports on the receipt of the latest supplies sent by Spirit of America. Tents, screen houses, coolers, water jugs, personal mess kits, grills, sleeping bags and first aid kits for 200 scouts along with plans to use the equipment at a brand new scout camp:
"We have received your shipment of Scouting equipment. WOW! The items arrived over a period of days and were put into storage at our BRAND NEW SCOUT CAMP by multiple volunteers."
"First let me say thank you so much for your support of Iraqi Scouting and The GZC. I can't express to you enough how important your participation is in making this program a success. Once the weather cools down we plan to arrange a 1 or 2 day Scout campout, we will put the equipment to good use as soon as possible."
These Iraqi Scouts are participating in a "Clean-Up Day"
Did you know that there are more than 150,000 Iraqi Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in all 18 Provinces?! The photo above serves as a great reminder that children really are the same everywhere. This effort was funded by your generous contributions to our Marines Fund, read the whole story here at our "Support Iraqi Scouts Project". Thank you!
SnakeEater - We're still waiting for information from Iraq and hope to have that update in time for the next email.
Afghan Farmers - The Sergeant Major recently returned from leave to find boxes and boxes of supplies including initial shipments of the school kits, soccer balls, beanies and Frisbees waiting for him with lots more to come! Since this project has raised over $50k, we'll be able to fulfill all of his requests! SoA is in the process of purchasing the farm tools, saffron bulbs and clothing for these farmers and their families. A more detailed update coming soon.
Next email: We all hear the news, and it's not always good. We're waiting for permission to talk more about some of the very sad news coming to us from our brave and committed project champions about the losses in their units. We hope to dedicate our upcoming project in their memory. We'll fill you in as much as possible in the coming month.
As always, our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your support.
Spirit of America
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary's Thoughts, Big Dog's Weblog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Pursuing Holiness, third world county, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, Wake Up America, Pirate's Cove, Nuke's news and views, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State,, guerrilla radio, DeMediacratic Nation, 123beta, Jeanette's Celebrity Corner, Adam's Blog, Webloggin, The Bullwinkle Blog,, Cao's Blog, The Pet Haven, , Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie Is Wired, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Blue Star Chronicles, Planck's Constant, CORSARI D'ITALIA, High Desert Wanderer, Gone Hollywood, The Yankee Sailor, and Public Eye, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Technorati Tag:*** Spirit of America: *** Hearts for Baghdad Project *** Afghan Farmers
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Updated: Sunday, 15 July 2007 8:39 AM CDT