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Saturday, 5 January 2008
Happy Happy New Years

A Strange thing happened on the way after the Surge.

Casualties in Iraq plummeted









Need I say more?


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:51 AM CST
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Updated: Saturday, 5 January 2008 4:59 AM CST

Sunday, 20 January 2008 - 4:47 AM CST

Name: "David Needham "
Home Page:

"Need I say more?"

Yes, you do... need to say more. *heh*

Of course casualties are decreasing. Petraus is implementing (pretty much
down the line) the strategy Jerry Pournelle asserted, back in 2003 when
the war was just a gleam in neocon eyes, MUST be implemented if the war
were to be pursued at all...

Of course, Petraus is a <i>good</i> student of the same <i>kind</i> of
strategic thinking he was exposed to in the war college (at the very least
in Strategy of Technology by Stefan T. Possony, Ph.D.; Jerry E. Pournelle,
Ph.D. and Francis X. Kane, Ph.D.


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