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Monday, 21 January 2008
Sense of Honor

The Few The Proud


It was the sound of machine guns that woke me that night all those years ago.  Machine gun fire and tracers lighting up the night sky.  I was 8 years old my Father was in the Navy and we were stationed on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, called appropriately Midway Island.

I do not ever recall being so scared in my entire life, but when I saw the base Marines running toward the beach, I felt safe. I knew that they and my Dad would never let anything bad happen to me.

I wish every American could have the experience of knowing deep in their soul what it means to have these brave men and women standing guard protecting us.

I have never forgotten how I felt that night.

I want to thank Michelle Malkin for reminding me with her Sunday night inspiration

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:38 AM CST
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Updated: Monday, 21 January 2008 8:07 AM CST

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