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Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Cross Posted at Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa

The following is an exchange between me and David Chung who sits on the Subcommittee for Caucuses and Rules of the Iowa Republican Central Committee.
I requested, and recieved Mr Chung's permission to post the contents of his email.
My words to prevent any confusion, will be in bold red font.

I will take your points in a biblical manner the first shall be last and the last shall be first.


I appreciate your thoughtful inquiry. I have a couple of comments about your notes.

4) Mark Hudson. I do not know whether Mark is a member of the Central Committee or an alternate. Regardless, the bylaws allow officers to be selected from outside the membership. This is a common practice. According to Roberts Rules chairmen who are not members may not vote or break ties. In the RPI Constitution, the Chair is not a member but is allowed to break ties. The RNC Constitution also allows non-members to serve as chair (I don't know whether non-member chairs are given voting rights). Current RNC chair, Michael Steele was elected from outside the RNC membership.

4) The correct term for the secondary class of Central Commitee Members as per the By-Laws is ASSISTANT COMMITTEE PERSONS and while can be heard, have no voting rights but as you point out if they are Chairing they can break a tie since Robert's Rules of Order take precedence unless the By-Laws preclude them


Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall prevail unless modified by these by-laws.

So an Officer does not have to be a Central Committee member since the By-Laws also state.


Central Committee shall elect either from its’ membership or otherwise a chair, co-chair,

secretary, treasurer and other officers as it may determine

I interpret Otherwise as they don't have to be a member, however anyone who is an officer but not a voting member would have no voting rights unless they were chairing and a tie had been called

3) Our (Linn County's) Constitution and By-laws do allow for alternate members who do not have voting privileges except in the absence of their elected committee people. It has been many years, but we used to keep ordered lists of alternates per precinct. People who came to meetings to join were informed whether they could join as members (to fill vacancies) or alternates if there were no vacancies.

3) Again the accurate term is Assistant Central Committee Persons and it is correct as you state that in the absence of an Elected Committee Member one or two from a Precinct maybe given temporay voting rights. But since the By=Laws are mute on the mechanism I would assume it would be by a vote of a Quorum. Present.


2) The question of who are the two elected members is a more difficult one to answer. I proposed the first two names from form A because it is the only record we have of what happened on caucus night. In the two precincts that I moderated, we did have elections and we did elect two CC members. They were reported on form A. In my opinion form A was the only reasonable way to attempt to re-construct the results of caucus night. As I mentioned, I am on the State Central Committee's organization sub-committee. Issues like rules and the caucus (and form A) fall under my committees purview. This situation will not happen again


1) It was not improper for the county central committee to add new members. However, only those added to fill 'vacancies' are actually full-fledged CC members. Since Linn Courty (and RPI) by-laws allow the committee to fill vacancies and this power is granted explicitly in the Iowa code. What the committee cannot do, is add more members than two per precinct without taking the special steps defined in the code of allocating new seats proportionate to the precinct's voting in the last election.


2 & 1) Yes that is indeed much more difficult. You recall I missed my Caucus? It being the first I would have attended I have no experience with how these things should run, but looking at the Paul handout I would say that would be a good way to do it.

So I asked my next door neighbors what they remembered. They recall there was an Acting Chairman who was elected to be Permanent Chair and they do not recall ANY other ELECTIONS that night for Permanent Secretary, County Convention Delegates, County Convention Alternate Delegates Nor for Central Committee Members,

With respect we cannot allow individuals to simply fill in who they wish for these positions and in the absence of any documentary evidence, Form A for instance that clearly indicates that a person was elected to the positon of The Precinct County Central Committee Member, or witnesses to the same, then that position is Vacant.

Now IF we can find 20 people who were elected in the correct manner as happened in your Caucus? The situation is simple,. They consitute a Legal Quorum of the County Central Committee and as stated

Vacancies in the County Central Committee may be filled by a majority of those members of

the Committee present and voting.

and yes this situation does not need to happen again, we shoud wipe the slate clean and restart in the correct maner, even if what is required is the process stated in Article VI Secion 7 of the


7. Vacancies on the County Central Committee may be

filled by majority vote of the County Central Committee, or

at a special precinct caucus called by the County Central



The following is an extentsion of my (Dan Kauffman's) remarks after gathering more information

I have recieved reports to date on the actions of 8 precincts in 4 there were elections for Central Committe

Members. In 3 the person I have been in contact with have no recollection of special elections for

Central Committe Members. In the last and 8th Caucus, there were two nominations from the floor

for Central Committee Members, being unopposed it was the consensus of the Precinct Caucus that

their positons were afirmed BUT their names did not appear on Form A.


As a result when it came time for the Election in March one of these two, who had been attending

Central Commitees all year under the impression that they were one of the two credebtialed Central

Committee Member, was not able to vote and instead someone whose name did appear on Form

A and who this person had never seen in a meeting since the Caucus voted instead,

Not Good.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:05 AM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 3:16 AM CDT

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