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Friday, 17 April 2009
Right-Wing Extremists ?
Topic: Out of Flyover Land
AOL has a question up
Right-Wing Extremists : What are your thoughts on a potential rising threat from right-wing extremists?
Now check this photo they used with it?









If you are thinking, "That doesn't look like the Tea Party "I" went to."?

It isn't, 
I got curious and lucky and tracked that photo down,  It turns out it is from the G20 riots earlier this month in London

G20 protesters storm bank

G20 protesters clashed with riot police in downtown London today, breaking into the heavily guarded Royal Bank of Scotland and smashing its windows.
You will find it at #18 on the slide show.  They just won't stop at anything to blacken our names will they?

Technorati Tag::****************

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:44 AM CDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 22 April 2009 8:41 PM CDT

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