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Wednesday, 6 May 2009
The LOST Free Lunch Isn't
Concerning an addition of 1% to the sales tax in my local community 

Well the dust has settled in Linn County Iowa and the forces of Let's Raise Taxes, someone else will pay for it,  have won,

Here is an exchange I had on facebook,   The names are absent, because at the present time I prefer to speak about Principles rather than Personalities.

It all started when I read the following

"congratulations Marionites. We passed the LOST penny and will receive $20 million over next 5 years for sewer, streets & parks. Also our sewer bills will remain static rather than double as projected. Good for Marion!!"

My immediate reaction was, "this person sounds like they really think someone just GAVE them -$20 Million.  Don't they realise that  $20 Million just left the wallets of taxpayers and went into the hot little hands of politicians???

I responded  with

 I see if they don't get the vote they want just keep doing it over and over until they get the vote they want?

sounds like some recent Congressional Races to me.


"Also our sewer bills will remain static rather than double as projected. "

But your TAXES are going up $20 Million dollars or do you really think folks are going to drive to Marion to give them that money?

Guess who gets to pay for the bulk of your $20 million dollar windfall, guess who gets hurt worst by a tax lke this?

Now I WAS mistaken about the $20 Million cost to Marion Taxpayers for which I was promptly corrected.

Do you guys even do any research before you take a position? Marion pays out 13 million and receives 20 million. My sewer bill was projected to double in 4 years and now won't. It would have been monumentally STUPID to vote NO if you live in Marion. Sometimes you can be so married to ideology that you will cut off your nose to spite your face. That is what the vote NO crowd was NOT able to accomplish tonight. Sorry some of you can't see that.

My responce was

I see the fact that taxpayers other than those in Marion get to foot $7 million of the Bill makes a difference

Wait a minute I don't live in Marion, Oh well I will console myself in the words of Joe Biden that I do my patriotic duty ensuring lower sewer bills in Marion ;-)

Just call me monumentally STUPID, and maybe meanspirited and greedy but what they refer to as "married to ideology" I think of as "standing on principle"

Not everyone can get more tax money back than they pay in.  SOMEONE has to have that extra bit lifted from their wallet,

It would seem this person does not care about that factor as long as THEY are not the one who has to come up with the extra largess.

How valid are your principles on Holding the Line on Taxation if you are

going to fold your hand the first time Des Moines decides to "buy you off"

At present nationally

the bottom 60% of income earners pay less than 1% of federal income taxes on net.
According to the Wall Street Journal  

Obama's Tax Plan Is Really a Welfare Plan

When "tax credits" primarily go to this group in the form of checks from the government (rather than a reduction in their tax burden) it is simply an abuse of the language to call the spending a tax cut.

What it really should be called is "Redistribution of Wealth" and isn't that what this article started with someone crowing about?

They are happy they will be getting back more than they pay in.

Of course Obama's plan will end up with folks who did not PAY income tax at all getting checks cut from money taken out of the pockets of those who DO pay taxes.

In the words of our good friend they would be monumentally STUPID not to vote for someone who would do that for them

As for the rest of us, we would be equally STUPID not to resist it,

But if we have those among us that don't mind this process as long as THEY are on the receiving end of the handouts we have a problem, particularly if the person is someone we voted for and helped elect,

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:21 AM CDT
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