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Friday, 29 May 2009
Fiscal Newspeak
Topic: Out of Flyover Land

Newspeak a creation in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. it's characteristics are


The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.

It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought

-- that is, a thought diverging from the principles of IngSoc -- should be literally unthinkable,

 at least so far as thought is dependent on words.

 Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression  to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express,

while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods.

I encountered what might be an example of this during an online debate with one of our local elected officials recently concerning the LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) Ballot initiative.


The Gentleman was delighted and celebrating the Victory of a Tax Increase.

 To which I took exception, an  occurrence that should come as no surprise to anyone who  has been reading the posts on this website.

Now I am sanguine about Tax increases, their major premise seems to have been that it would not have been Fiscally Responsible to NOT support the New Tax since for an estimated $13 Million  in Tax Revenue raised the State would remit to the Municipality  $20 Million.

 Say that again?  Spending 54% more than Tax Revenue is Fiscal Responsibility,

 In WHAT Universe?

Oh I see, it's fiscally responsible since the extra $7 Million will come from Taxes on citizens who do not live in your Municipality?

Like ME for instance?

My thoughts on these subjects run on the order of

 Americans don't save money, as a rule we spend it.

When you spend money, that increases the demand for goods and services.

An increase in demand for goods and services, helps create jobs.

I consider the above on the order of

Run Spot, Run

When you Tax money,  the public does not spend it, does not increase the demand for goods and services and does not help create jobs.

But Dan you might say, the STATE and the Municipalities will spend that money and help create jobs.

True, but a portion of it will be absorbed in the Cost of Government.

That will also create jobs, jobs, for Government Employees.

So you can leave the money in the General Economy and create jobs there, or Tax it and create jobs in Government.  The size of Government increases in Direct Proportion to an increase in Revenue and Budget,

I know what my choice is..

 So to sum up the situation.

This Elected Official believes in

Increased Taxation

Increased Government Spending

Deficit Spending

Spreading the Wealth

An increase in the Size of Government.

For 10 Extra Credit Points, the Conservative Principles enshrined in the above ARE??

 Did I mention the person is a REPUBLICAN?

Sigh, maybe it's not their fault.  Maybe they just don't know any better.

We must EDUCATE them!

As a start in a Remedial Course in Political Philosophy, I think I will recommend.



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:29 AM CDT
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