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Sunday, 7 November 2004
Now Smackwater Jack He Went to Fallujah
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Iraq War
Cause he was in the mood for a Little Confrontation
He just let it all hang loose
He didn't need any lame excuse
He wouldn't take any more abuse

So he shot down the Congregation!

You can't talk to a Man when he don't want to understand

News from the front via

The Green Side

"Dear Dad -

As you have no doubt been watching, we have had our hands full around Fallujah. It would seem as if the final reckoning is coming. The city has been on a consistent down hill spiral since we were ordered out in April. It's siren call for extremists and criminals has only increased steadily and the instability and violence that radiates out of the town has expanded exponentially. If there is another city in the world that contains more terrorists, I would be surprised. From the last two years, I just don't see a way that we can succeed in Iraq without reducing this threat. The cost of continuing on without taking decisive action is too high to dwell on. The enemy inside the town have come to fight and kill Americans. Nothing will sate their bloodlust and hatred other than to kill everyone of us or at least die trying. It is hard to fathom as a Westerner as rational thought would dictate that we will only be here for a relatively short blip in their history and while we are here, billions of dollars in investments will pour in and opportunity that is beyond comprehension will open up for anyone willing to work. This is not Kansas and this enemy does not think like that."

You hear all the time words like "I support the troops"

Want to? REALLY want to do something more than blow hot air?

Give to the USO!

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:10 AM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 5:52 AM CDT

Sunday, 14 November 2004 - 7:14 AM CST

Name: Laurie-Anne
Home Page:

USO is a great organization, but we have moved beyond the needs of USO. Please think about contributing to the Semper Fi Injured Marine Fund,, if you want to make an impact on a very real and personal level for the family of a grieviously wounded Marine. Our goal is to assist the families to allow to stay in place to support their Marine during recovery -- DC is expensive -- WITHOUT the bureaucracy and red tape of the "established" charities. Semper Fi is tax deductible & grass roots activism at its finest! LMM, Proud Wife of a Deployed US Marine with 1st Marine Division in Fallujah. OOHRAH !
Please e-mail me with any questions/concerns/comments Thanks!

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