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Sunday, 7 November 2004
Black Watch Move Ahead of US Fallujah Assault
Topic: Iraq War

Who SAYS we are in this ALONE?

He Lies

"Black Watch troops have move into position ahead of the imminent US and Iraqi assault on the rebel stronghold of Fallujah, it was reported today.

The British troops have taken up a ?forward operating position? on the east bank of the Euphrates river.

It came at the ?urgent request? of American Marine forces, according to a Sky News reporter in Iraq.

He said the move, supported by 40 Warrior armoured personnel carriers, was to control routes to and from the city west of Baghdad which has been bombarded by American air and artillery strikes.

They will stop reinforcements moving north and block the way of insurgents leaving the city, he said.

The reporter said it fuelled speculation that the main assault on Fallujah will start soon.

He said the move came at the ?specific request? of American commanders and the US was providing air cover.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who claimed responsibility for the death of kidnapped Briton Ken Bigley, has been thought to be holed up in the city.

Elsewhere, rebel resistence against police stations continued today north of Baghdad.

At least 22 people were killed when militants set off explosions at police stations in Haditha and Haqlaniyah.

Yesterday, in neighbouring Samarra, north of Baghdad, four suicide car bombs and attacks on police stations left at least 34 people dead, many of them Iraqi policemen."

I dedicate the following music as fitting for these brave men. all the rest of our Allies and Our Troops who stand in harm's way. These words are as true today as they were a thousand years ago, only the faces marching to battle have changed.

Short the sleep the foe is taking,

Men of Harlech

Modern Words used by Regimental Band

Tongues of fire on Idris flaring,
news of foe-men near declaring,
to heroic deeds of daring,
call you Harlech men

Groans of wounded peasants drying,
wails of wives and children flying,
for the distant succour crying,
call you Harlech men.

Shall the voice of wailing,
now be unavailing,
You to rouse who never yet
in battles hour were failing,

His our answer crowds down pouring
swift as winter torrents roaring,
Not in vain the voice imploring,
call on Harlech men

Loud the martial pipes are sounding
every manly heart is bounding
As our trusted chief surrounding,
march we Harlech men.

Short the sleep the foe is taking,
ere the morrows morn is breaking,
They shall have a rude awakening,
roused by Harlech men.

Mothers cease your weeping,
calm may be your sleeping,
you and yours in safety now
the Harlech men are keeping,

ere the sun is high in heaven
they you fear by panic riven
shall like frightened sheep be driven,
far by Harlech men

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:29 AM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 5:51 AM CDT

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