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Wednesday, 17 November 2004
1000 Americans have died
Topic: Iraq War
At the hands of terrorists.
Maybe we should just go home?

Oh maybe I should mention, the date is
June 1946
and the place is Germany.

Like reading articles in the New York times about how we Won the War but were losing the Peace? We had no plan for after the major combat was over and how Americas Image had never been lower?

The NYT of almost 60 years ago had plenty of them.

You can read some of them On this site

Want to read about the terrorists, the ones who tied us down in the quagmire that was the European Occupation? Go here

Nothing is really new, almost everything has happened before.

Maybe we SHOULD have just pulled up stakes after the end of WW2 and gone home and left Europe to put its own house in order.
After all it worked out so well the time before didn't it?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:00 AM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 5:55 AM CDT

Thursday, 18 November 2004 - 7:13 PM CST

Name: Buster
Home Page:

Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it, or so the old saw goes. Then we must have a lot of historically stupid people running around unsupervised these days. Contrary to current Liberal wisdom, there are absolutes of right and wrong, and the only gray to be found is in the sludge residing between THEIR ears.

I have seen lab rats with a better learning curve, for Pete's sake!

Evil must be confronted. If not now, then later. If not there, then here. Would you have us wait until the threat is looming large right on our doorsteps? Evidently, yes. There is no wisdom in doing so - after all, the time to get off the tracks is when the train is still a mile off, not 10 feet.

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