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Monday, 9 January 2006
The Open Trackback Alliance IX
For Monday

For your listening pleasure while you browse

La Bamba!!

the world thinks they know all about Americans, I intend to present music each week in this post illustrating our extreme diversity

When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a Statement of Purpose
Now upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.

And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.

One of the most important discoveries I make in those early days was the website of Samantha Burns, which included a unique informal community of bloggers, who not only linked to each other but actually browsed and read the blogs they linked to.

Later I was honored to be allowed to join another more formal blog community. At that time I decided that while I welcomed blogs that wanted to link to me, I was not that interested in simply joining blogrolls to add links. After that I made no more attempts to join any blog alliances. I have been kept busy supporting the linkages I have and at times I feel guilty that I cannot get around to all the websites on my blogroll as I could when it was smaller.

So why do I welcome this recent invitation to join the Open Trackback Alliance? Have I reconsidered my former decision?

No I am posting and joining this Alliance because it is RIGHT for me to do so.

Because it FULFILLS my original Statement of Purpose that the Blogs are indeed the 21st Century Committees of Correspondence, whose duty and honor it is to SHARE information, thoughts, ideas, news and to discuss the same. To diligently search for the truths that lie behind the distortions and half-truths of the Legacy Media.

What the blogs associated with the Samantha Burns site did informally, and without structure, this Alliance only aids and structures. There is in fact no conflict between what I do now, and what I decided to do sometime ago.

For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.


Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.

And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.

As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.

The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the


Open Trackback Alliance

Blogs that Trackback to this Post:

On Monday

Belafonte Speaks, But What Does Brenda Lee Think? from Don Surber
The Knuckleheads of the Day award from The Florida Masochist
OTIM Open Post from The Florida Masochist
Sex & Love Book Review from Lyn at Bloggin' Outloud
LInkfest Haven from Linkfest Haven
Well, I may actually watch 20/20 on Friday... from third world county
How Congress Will Exploit The Abramoff Scandal from Don Surber
Deportation? from Freedom Folks
They both take money for a favor from The Florida Masochist
Your click is important, please hold from NIF

Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:55 AM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 10 January 2006 2:06 AM CST
Monday, 2 January 2006
As seen in today's New York Daily News, by 9/11 family members Anthony Gardner & Particia Reilly
This just in

As seen in today's New York Daily News, by 9/11 family members Anthony Gardner & Particia Reilly:

New York Daily News -
Memory lapse
Monday, January 2nd, 2006

Congress and U.S. taxpayers gave the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. $2.78 billion to redevelop the World Trade Center site, entrusting them with the duty of building a magnificent memorial to the victims of Sept. 11, 2001. Just months before construction of the memorial is slated to begin, the LMDC is offering the American public a bargain basement version of Michael Arad's "Reflecting Absence."

The LMDC's latest iteration of Arad's design is one that is 31% smaller than the original, and the central waterfalls - the most powerful design feature - will only operate nine months out of the year. LMDC continues to shrink the memorial despite the fact the original design was too small to accommodate the estimated millions who will make a pilgrimage to the site. The memorial is being built with only one way in and one way out, putting the safety and security of future visitors in peril.

It is insulting that with all of the financial resources at its disposal the LMDC would try to foist an ever-shrinking memorial on the American people and then ask them to pay for it.

The fact that LMDC failed to consider the extra costs involved with heating the memorial's massive waterfalls so they may flow in the winter months reflects its gross mismanagement of the redevelopment. As reported in the Daily News, LMDC has misspent millions in tax dollars on projects completely unrelated to Sept. 11, such as giving $10 million to SoHo's Drawing Center and funding the pet projects of wealthy elites who serve on the LMDC board as they continue to shrink the memorial and refuse to pay heating bills.

Take Back the Memorial, an alliance of major Sept. 11 family groups, began at a time when LMDC's lack of focus nearly led to the placement of the International Freedom Center on sacred ground. Now, to the detriment of future visitors to the memorial, it appears that money has followed LMDC's misplaced priorities as evidenced by the allocation of $50 million to an unrelated cultural facility. Millions have also been spent on the Snohetta building design and we still don't know what it will contain, if it is even built at all.

We would like to be able to say that the WTC Memorial Foundation should take over, but some changes need to be made first. The foundation has said that the memorial is the priority, but actions speak louder than words. Gov. Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg, both members of the foundation's board, have yet to make a personal donation to the memorial.

It seems evident that the cultural facilities, not the memorial, are the true priority of some individuals who have been charged with building the memorial. The majority of Sept. 11 families are withholding donations until America gets a memorial design it deserves, one that preserves our national heritage, provides for the safety of visitors and honors the dead by telling their story without distraction.

We want a memorial that isn't crammed into a basement space, hidden from the light of day. We want public access to the physical remains of the twin tower footprints at bedrock.

The WTC Memorial Foundation must focus its attention on the Sept. 11 memorial. Board members whose priority is not the memorial must be replaced. As long as their focus remains on extraneous cultural matters they will continue to have difficulty raising funds.

LMDC, which must get its priorities straight, would benefit from new leadership. If changes aren't made fast in both the LMDC and the WTC Memorial Foundation, they will not only fail to honor those who died at that site on Sept. 11, 2001, but they will continue to fail us all.

Gardner and Reilly, who lost family members in the World Trade Center attack, are co-organizers of the Take Back the Memorial campaign.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:26 PM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 3 January 2006 12:19 AM CST
The Open Trackback Alliance VIII For Monday
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a Statement of Purpose
Now upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.

And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.

One of the most important discoveries I make in those early days was the website of Samantha Burns, which included a unique informal community of bloggers, who not only linked to each other but actually browsed and read the blogs they linked to.

Later I was honored to be allowed to join another more formal blog community. At that time I decided that while I welcomed blogs that wanted to link to me, I was not that interested in simply joining blogrolls to add links. After that I made no more attempts to join any blog alliances. I have been kept busy supporting the linkages I have and at times I feel guilty that I cannot get around to all the websites on my blogroll as I could when it was smaller.

So why do I welcome this recent invitation to join the Open Trackback Alliance? Have I reconsidered my former decision?

No I am posting and joining this Alliance because it is RIGHT for me to do so.

Because it FULFILLS my original Statement of Purpose that the Blogs are indeed the 21st Century Committees of Correspondence, whose duty and honor it is to SHARE information, thoughts, ideas, news and to discuss the same. To diligently search for the truths that lie behind the distortions and half-truths of the Legacy Media.

What the blogs associated with the Samantha Burns site did informally, and without structure, this Alliance only aids and structures. There is in fact no conflict between what I do now, and what I decided to do sometime ago.

For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.


Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.

And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.

As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.

The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the


Open Trackback Alliance

Blogs that Trackback to this Post:

On Monday
John Kerry from The Florida Masochist
The Freedom Folks: Race Pandering Whore Award from Freedom Folks
The Knucklehead of the Day award from The Florida Masochist
Predictions for 2005 from Conservative Cat
Belated Xmas Gifts from Hugh from third world county
This is not Child's Play from The Florida Masochist
1 Your Electricity, Their Lives from Don Surber
The Knuckleheads of the Day award from The Florida Masochist

Last Week While I Was Gone

Treatment Time Open Trackbacks from The Uncooperative Blogger
Open Pun, er, Post from Bloggin' Outloud

Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:52 AM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 3 January 2006 3:19 PM CST
Friday, 23 December 2005
Bush Job Approval
Forty-seven percent
Now 50%

President Bush Job Approval

Wednesday December 21, 2005--Forty-seven percent (47%)Now{50%} of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's up three points since the President's speech on Sunday night.

These results are based upon nightly telephone surveys and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Approximately two-thirds of the interviews for today's update were completed after the President's speech.

The President's speech had a measurable impact concerning the War on Terror. Fifty percent (50%) of Americans now say the U.S. and its allies are winning. That's up from 44% immediately before the speech and the highest level of optimism measured in 2005

Thirty percent (30%) of Americans say that they would definitely vote for Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Presidential Election. Thirty-seven percent (37%) will definitely vote against her.

"Two weeks ago, support for Clinton was at its lowest level of the year with just 25% saying they would definitely vote for her."

So to Recap

Bush's Approval Rating is 47%Now {50%}

Hillary Clinton,touted as the Democratic Party's Best Hope for the Presidency in 2008 has an Approval rating of

Need we say more?

What a way to start a New Year and a Mid Term Election Year in fact!


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CST
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Updated: Friday, 23 December 2005 10:04 PM CST
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
The Infidel's Revenge Pen

What do you get the Crusader Infidel
Who has everything?

The Caffir's Companion?

How it works.
In the extreme heat of a terrorist explosion the components in the pens' chambers combine, and vaporize. The result is a fine atomized mist of fully active, reconstituted porcine plasma (pig's blood) permeating the entire scene; defiling the flesh and soul of the suicide bomber; paradise lost for terrorists and incentive eliminated for would-be-terrorists. Our products are safe, non-toxic and do not affect the eternity of infidels.

Overcome the fear of terror with the threat of eternal damnation.

When you buy and use an Infidel's Revenge ball-point pen you will be putting fear, uncertainty and doubt into the mind of would-be-suicide bombers. Fanatical "Muslim's of the Jihad" are motivated to commit their suicide bombings with the promise of immediate paradise and 72 virgin companions for eternity. However, their strict ancient doctrine also teaches that their souls are damned should their flesh come in contact with pig’s blood at the time of their death.


The Infidel's Revenge! is a powerful psychological deterrent to terror.
When you carry and use your Infidel's Revenge Ball Point Pen, you are joining an elite group of citizens committed to ending global terror. Imagine the impact on the worldwide "terror movement" knowing that the possibility of eternal damnation is resident in every drawer, every purse, every pocket everywhere. This simple solution holds the promise of dramatically reducing, and even ending, suicide bombings.

Don't leave home without one!

They make Great Gifts and are the perfect size for stocking stuffers.

Linked to
Those Bastards! at If it's Tuesday, it must be an Open Trackback Day
The Business of America is Business at Making Tracks
The Conservative Cat at Continue the Conversation and Evolve to a Higher Level
NIF at It's a beautiful day
Right Wing Nation at Tuesday Open Trackbacks


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:07 AM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 8:02 AM CST
Monday, 19 December 2005
If You Go Outside And Spit

You will have the same effect on the Climate as doubling carbon dioxide.

At least according to Reid A. Bryson who holds the 30th PhD in Meteorology granted in the history of American education. Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology?now the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.

There is a very interesting article on this to be found in the May 23rd issue of the


The Faithful Heretic

A Wisconsin
Icon Pursues Tough Questions

Some people are lucky enough to enjoy their
work, some are lucky enough to love it, and then there’s
Reid Bryson. At age 86, he’s still hard at it every day,
delving into the science some say he invented.

Reid A. Bryson holds the 30th PhD in Meteorology
granted in the history of American education. Emeritus Professor
and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department
of Meteorology—now the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric
Sciences—in the 1970s he became the first director of
what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of
Environmental Studies. He’s a member of the United Nations
Global 500 Roll of Honor—created, the U.N. says, to recognize
“outstanding achievements in the protection and improvement
of the environment.” He has authored five books and more
than 230 other publications and was identified by the British
Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist
in the world.

Long ago in the Army Air Corps, Bryson and
a colleague prepared the aviation weather forecast that predicted
discovery of the jet stream by a group of B-29s flying to and
from Tokyo. Their warning to expect westerly winds at 168 knots
earned Bryson and his friend a chewing out from a general—and
the general’s apology the next day when he learned they
were right. Bryson flew into a couple of typhoons in 1944, three
years before the Weather Service officially did such things,
and he prepared the forecast for the homeward flight of the
Enola Gay. Back in Wisconsin, he built a program at the UW that’s
trained some of the nation’s leading climatologists.

How Little We Know

Bryson is a believer in climate change, in
that he’s as quick as anyone to acknowledge that Earth’s
climate has done nothing but change throughout the planet’s
existence. In fact, he took that knowledge a big step further,
earlier than probably anyone else. Almost 40 years ago, Bryson
stood before the American Association for the Advancement of
Science and presented a paper saying human activity could alter

“I was laughed off the platform for saying
that,” he told Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News.

In the 1960s, Bryson’s idea was widely
considered a radical proposition. But nowadays things have turned
almost in the opposite direction: Hardly a day passes without
some authority figure claiming that whatever the climate happens
to be doing, human activity must be part of the explanation.
And once again, Bryson is challenging the conventional wisdom.

“Climate’s always been changing
and it’s been changing rapidly at various times, and so
something was making it change in the past,” he told us
in an interview this past winter. “Before there were enough
people to make any difference at all, two million years ago,
nobody was changing the climate, yet the climate was changing,

“All this argument is the temperature
going up or not, it’s absurd,” Bryson continues.
“Of course it’s going up. It has gone up since the
early 1800s, before the Industrial Revolution, because we’re
coming out of the Little Ice Age, not because we’re putting
more carbon dioxide into the air.”

Little Ice Age? That’s what chased the
Vikings out of Greenland after they’d farmed there for
a few hundred years during the Mediaeval Warm Period, an earlier
run of a few centuries when the planet was very likely warmer
than it is now, without any help from industrial activity in
making it that way. What’s called “proxy evidence”—assorted
clues extrapolated from marine sediment cores, pollen specimens,
and tree-ring data—helps reconstruct the climate in those
times before instrumental temperature records existed.

We ask about that evidence, but Bryson says
it’s second-tier stuff. “Don’t talk about
proxies,” he says. “We have written evidence, eyeball
evidence. When Eric the Red went to Greenland, how did he get
there? It’s all written down.”

Bryson describes the navigational instructions
provided for Norse mariners making their way from Europe to
their settlements in Greenland. The place was named for a reason:
The Norse farmed there from the 10th century to the 13th, a
somewhat longer period than the United States has existed. But
around 1200 the mariners’ instructions changed in a big
way. Ice became a major navigational reference. Today, old Viking
farmsteads are covered by glaciers.

Bryson mentions the retreat of Alpine glaciers,
common grist for current headlines. “What do they find
when the ice sheets retreat, in the Alps?”

We recall the two-year-old report saying a
mature forest and agricultural water-management structures had
been discovered emerging from the ice, seeing sunlight for the
first time in thousands of years. Bryson interrupts excitedly.

“A silver mine! The guys had stacked
up their tools because they were going to be back the next spring
to mine more silver, only the snow never went,” he says.
“There used to be less ice than now. It’s just getting
back to normal.”

What Leads, What Follows?

What is normal? Maybe continuous change is
the only thing that qualifies. There’s been warming over
the past 150 years and even though it’s less than one
degree, Celsius, something had to cause it. The usual suspect
is the “greenhouse effect,” various atmospheric
gases trapping solar energy, preventing it being reflected back
into space.

We ask Bryson what could be making the key

Q: Could you rank the things
that have the most significant impact and where would you put
carbon dioxide on the list?

A: Well let me give you one
fact first. In the first 30 feet of the atmosphere, on the average,
outward radiation from the Earth, which is what CO2 is supposed
to affect, how much [of the reflected energy] is absorbed by
water vapor? In the first 30 feet, 80 percent, okay?

Q: Eighty percent of the
heat radiated back from the surface is absorbed in the first
30 feet by water vapor…

A: And how much is absorbed
by carbon dioxide? Eight hundredths of one percent. One one-thousandth
as important as water vapor. You can go outside and spit and
have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.

This begs questions about the widely publicized
mathematical models researchers run through supercomputers to
generate climate scenarios 50 or 100 years in the future. Bryson
says the data fed into the computers overemphasizes carbon dioxide
and accounts poorly for the effects of clouds—water vapor.
Asked to evaluate the models’ long-range predictive ability,
he answers with another question: “Do you believe a five-day

Bryson says he looks in the opposite direction,
at past climate conditions, for clues to future climate behavior.
Trying that approach in the weeks following our interview, Wisconsin
Energy Cooperative News soon found six separate papers about
Antarctic ice core studies, published in peer-reviewed scientific
journals between 1999 and 2006. The ice core data allowed researchers
to examine multiple climate changes reaching back over the past
650,000 years. All six studies found atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentrations tracking closely with temperatures, but with
CO2 lagging behind changes in temperature, rather than leading
them. The time lag between temperatures moving up—or down—and
carbon dioxide following ranged from a few hundred to a few
thousand years.

Renaissance Man, Marathon Man

When others were laughing at the concept, Reid
Bryson was laying the ground floor for scientific investigation
of human impacts on climate. We asked UW Professor Ed Hopkins,
the assistant state climatologist, about the significance of
Bryson’s work in advancing the science he’s now
practiced for six decades.

“His contributions are manifold,”
Hopkins said. “He wrote Climates of Hunger back in the
1970s looking at how climate changes over the last several thousand
years have affected human activity and human cultures.”

This, he suggests, is traceable to Bryson’s
high-school interest in archaeology, followed by college degrees
in geology, then meteorology, and studies in oceanography, limnology,
and other disciplines. “He’s looked at the interconnections
of all these things and their impact on human societies,”
Hopkins says. “He’s one of those people I would
say is a Renaissance person.”

The Renaissance, of course, produced its share
of heretics, and 21 years after he supposedly retired, one could
ponder whether Bryson’s work today is a tale of continuing
heresy, or of conventional wisdom being outpaced by an octogenarian.

Without addressing—or being asked—that
question, UW Green Bay Emeritus Professor Joseph Moran agrees
that Bryson qualifies as “the father of the science of
modern climatology.”

“In his lifetime, in his career, he has
shaped the future as well as the present state of climatology,”
Moran says, adding, “We’re going to see his legacy
with us for many generations to come.”

Holding bachelor’s and master’s
degrees from Boston College, Moran became a doctoral candidate
under Bryson in the late 1960s and early ’70s. “I
came to Wisconsin because he was there,” Moran told us.

With Hopkins, Moran co-authored Wisconsin’s
Weather and Climate, a book aimed at teachers, students, outdoor
enthusiasts, and workers with a need to understand what the
weather does and why. Bryson wrote a preface for the book but
Hopkins told us the editors “couldn’t fathom”
certain comments, thinking he was being too flippant with the
remark that “Wisconsin is not for wimps when it comes
to weather.”

Clearly what those editors couldn’t
fathom was that Bryson simply enjoys mulling over the reasons
weather and climate behave as they do and what might make them—and
consequently us—behave differently. This was immediately
obvious when we asked him why, at his age, he keeps showing
up for work at a job he’s no longer paid to do.

“It’s fun!” he said. Ed Hopkins
and Joe Moran would undoubtedly agree.

“I think that’s one of the reasons
for his longevity,” Moran says. “He’s so interested
and inquisitive. I regard him as a pot-stirrer. Sometimes people
don’t react well when you challenge their long-held ideas,
but that’s how real science takes place.”—Dave

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:54 PM CST
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Updated: Wednesday, 23 May 2007 5:30 AM CDT
It's Thank a Soldier Week
This just in from

Pass it on.

Take part in Thank a Soldier Week: Say 'Thank You' today

As we embark upon the holiday season, we must not forget those who are away from their families defending our freedom. is hosting Thank a Soldier Week this week, Dec. 19-25, to honor our heroes and collect messages of hope for our men and women in uniform.

I ask for your help this week:
Say Thank You: As you are out and about over this week, if you see a service member in uniform, take a few moments to stop and express your appreciation.

Send a Message: Go to to send your message of hope. Over 30,000 messages have been received thus far and will be sent to those in service in the U.S. and overseas. Encourage your friends to do the same.

Make a Donation: Contribute to one of the many worthy foundations that offers help and support to service members and their families.

I know there are friends and family that you will call up and tell about Thank A Soldier Week, but let do the work for you this time. Cut and paste their email address in the box below and hit submit.
Tell Your Friends Today!
Enter your friends' email addresses,
separated by a comma.

If every subscriber adds just one email address to our list, we will double the number of people who will be participating this week and saying thank you to those defending our freedom. We hope this week will make this season a joyous one for our heroes.

Drew Bond, Founder
Thank A Soldier Week

Linked to
third world county at Ironic juxtaposition: Guard the Borders/Open Post


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:57 AM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 7:31 AM CST
The Open Trackback Alliance VII For Monday
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a Statement of Purpose
Now upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.

And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.

One of the most important discoveries I make in those early days was the website of Samantha Burns, which included a unique informal community of bloggers, who not only linked to each other but actually browsed and read the blogs they linked to.

Later I was honored to be allowed to join another more formal blog community. At that time I decided that while I welcomed blogs that wanted to link to me, I was not that interested in simply joining blogrolls to add links. After that I made no more attempts to join any blog alliances. I have been kept busy supporting the linkages I have and at times I feel guilty that I cannot get around to all the websites on my blogroll as I could when it was smaller.

So why do I welcome this recent invitation to join the Open Trackback Alliance? Have I reconsidered my former decision?

No I am posting and joining this Alliance because it is RIGHT for me to do so.

Because it FULFILLS my original Statement of Purpose that the Blogs are indeed the 21st Century Committees of Correspondence, whose duty and honor it is to SHARE information, thoughts, ideas, news and to discuss the same. To diligently search for the truths that lie behind the distortions and half-truths of the Legacy Media.

What the blogs associated with the Samantha Burns site did informally, and without structure, this Alliance only aids and structures. There is in fact no conflict between what I do now, and what I decided to do sometime ago.

For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.


Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.

And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.

As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.

The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the


Open Trackback Alliance

Blogs that Trackback to this Post:

On Monday
Ironic juxtaposition: Guard the Borders/Open Post from third world county
Jackass in a Fox Suit from freedom folks
Christmas Parody Songs from freedom folks
Guard the Borders: Round-Up from TMH's Bacon Bits

Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:42 AM CST
| Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 12:12 AM CST
Friday, 16 December 2005
Democrats will have an "issue agenda"

The Democrats Punt

Nancy Pelosi says that the Democrats will have an "issue agenda" for next year's Congressional elections, but it will not include a position on Iraq.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said yesterday that Democrats should not seek a unified position on an exit strategy in Iraq, calling the war a matter of individual conscience and saying differing positions within the caucus are a source of strength for the party.
Pelosi said Democrats will produce an issue agenda for the 2006 elections but it will not include a position on Iraq. There is consensus within the party that President Bush has mismanaged the war and that a new course is needed, but House Democrats should be free to take individual positions, she sa(i)d."

Let me see,

they were FOR it,

BEFORE they were AGAINST it,

but now they are NOT SAYING,

what their position is On what for most Americans is THE defining issue of the present era.

Oh and they want us to elect more of them to the Senate and House of Representatives to--

Uhh, "they are not saying?"

Just vote for us, we are not Bush, nor are we Repugs and when we figure out what we stand for, you will be the first to know, MAYBE.

Is that a firm unequivocal maybe, or a conditional,let's consult with a focus group before making any semipermanent decisions, maybe?

I wonder if they will take this firm a stand on the REST of the issues that may come up?

If having NO position as a Party on the Iraq War is a source of strength, will having no position on any other issue but them in a position of unassailable strength?

Vote for us, we stand for Nothing?

Linked to

third world county at OTA Free-for-All Post
Stray Dog at T.G.I.O.T.A.F.
Bloggin' Outloud at Friday Funny Stuff & Open Posts
NIF at It's a beautiful day at So, did you think about Open Trackback spam, buddy?
Right Wing Nation at Friday Open Trackbacks
Colbert Report at Quote of the day
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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:44 PM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 9 July 2006 9:09 PM CDT
From Iraq,
this will make you smile

An Update from


This is a small happy story on a great day when Iraq celebrates a big happy story with its election.

Over a year ago we launched a project called "Operation Snapshot" in response to a request from Marines in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. They asked for Polaroid cameras and film so they could take pictures of local children and families and give those Polaroid photos as gifts.

Back then LtCol Jeff Vold emailed us, "in the end 200-300 Polaroid cameras with plenty of film spread across the Division zone may go farther in establishing enduring relations than a thousand soccer balls!" This also fit with my experience in Iraq (and pretty much anywhere else in the world). People love pictures of themselves. The original project is described here:

Fortunately, you - our donors - provided the money for the cameras and film. We sent 160 cameras and 2900 packs of film to Iraq. Unfortunately, violence in Al Anbar prevented the kind of interaction with Iraqis that the Marines hoped for and delayed the project.

Things are getting better. And, finally - a year later - Operation Snapshot is underway. A message from Sgt. Charity Lewis, USMC follows below. And the pictures tell the story!

Like the Marines above, we all hope the cameras and film will help reduce the need for the rest of their gear. You can see more photos here: (If you blog please link):

And here:

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Year from all of us at Spirit of America to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your support that makes possible stories like the one above. They warm our hearts. We hope they do the same for you.

Jim Hake and the Spirit of America team

ps: As we're in the "giving season," we would appreciate it if you would consider a gift to Spirit of America or one our active projects. We believe your donation can be put to excellent use. You can give online via credit card or by phone or check. Details here:


Message from Sgt Charity Lewis, United States Marine Corps

From: Charity Lewis
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 3:41 AM
To: Michele Redmond
Subject: Polaroids


Thank you so much. I was completely amazed. I am always thankful to get out of this office and out into the field. This, by far, was the greatest adventure yet.

We convoyed out and drove to a local Iraqi Army Station, from there the IA Soldiers took on us a foot patrol out to a local school not far from their area.

Yes, it was a little tense, but once we arrived at the school the children started to come from everywhere. The team I was with was delivering backpacks and I toted along with my backpack full of Polaroids and film.

The pictures were the hit of the day. I showed the Iraqi Soldiers how to take pictures and just let them go with it.

Again, thanks for all your support.


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:06 AM CST
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Updated: Friday, 16 December 2005 7:44 PM CST

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