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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Sunday, 19 April 2009
A Strange Thing Happened on the Way to the Epicycles

I use the term "epicycles" as an example of an extremely complex convoluted method to force reality into conformance with a desired outcome.


This is a not uncommon occurrence in human endeavors and if the initial starting point of the paradigm is invalid the results can be bizarre and paradoxical.


I met recently with the Leadership of the Linn County Central Committee,


Our dialog was civilized and the basic outcome was that, we agreed to disagree


They do not agree with my analysis of the situation the Committee finds itself in, but that they did not have any desire to silence me.


To which I agreed.


It is not my habit to merely dispute an issue  with someone and then not think about the matter further.  I spent a fair amount of time later that day mulling over the implications of what we discussed.


To recap the situation as it appears to me.


At the February Central Committee meeting David Chung, and quite correctly I might add,  brought up a point of procedure, on  Iowa State Election Code  and the various Constitutions of the Republican Party at the State and County level


The result was that we were in fact not in compliance with the above as far as membership and more importantly eligibility to vote and it has come to my attention after investigation, that this situation may be back 10 years or so.


The practice of asking if anyone wished to join the committee and then voting them in is not even close to compliance with State Law and our Constitutions and By-Laws.


A serious problem since at the time we were looking at Officer's Elections at the March meeting.


It was decided to form a committee to examine the Form As from the Precinct Caucuses in order to compile a list of Credentialed Voters.


Now that method was IMO quite correct.


The State Election Code states.

43.99 Party committee persons.

Two members of the county central committee for each political party shall, at the precinct caucuses, be elected from each precinct


The State and County Party Constitutions state



The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from each precinct at the precinct caucuses


So it appears to me that the only persons who couldhave  been listed for the March Election as Central Committee members were those elected to those positions at the Precinct Caucuses. 


It would seem that everything should have been simple.  Look at the Form A records from the Caucuses and list those persons elected to those posts.


However the list that was derived included not solely persons listed as elected to be County Central Committee Members, but Chairs, Co-Chairs, Secretaries and a category called Alternates.


Now let me be clear on one thing there is no position as Alternate County Committee Member, there is something called an Assistant Central Committee Member, but those are appointed by a majority vote of the Central Committee which does not happen at the Caucus.


In my opinion, our list contained not just elected Central Committee Members who were eligible to vote but others who were not eligible.


At least not in compliance with the State Election Code and the Constitutions and By-Laws. 


 In fact I am informed that one elected Central Committee member's name did not appear on his Precinct Caucuses Form A and therefore they did not vote someone who Chaired the Caucus voted instead.


When I presented my conclusions, which are the Election may not be valid, the  response seems to have been we should let it stand because we voted on it.


I may be doing the two gentlemen a disservice but to me the logic seems to be.


Upon discovery that a large portion of those who thought they were Committee Members, were in fact not,


We examined the Form As and compiled a list of persons many of whom were not eligible to vote either, 


and we should let the results stand because


The original group comprised of many people who were not eligible to vote, voted to do so.


This sort of circular argument, gives me a headache.


In a latter article I will present my own ideas on how to remedy this situation in a Post I  plan to title



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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:03 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 April 2009 1:08 AM CDT
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