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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Linn County Shell Game
The shells move around and around.  Where will they stop and under which shell will we find the Linn County Republican Central Committee Meeting?

I have a mental image of Central Committee members wandering in the Wilderness, trying to find the Central Committee.

You think that is an exaggeration?

On May the 27th I received this email

hey Daniel,
are you still attending the linn county central meetings ? the last two times i went i showed up at the wrong location. can you tell me where and when the next one is ? the website is down.


My reply was" 

The New Executive Board changed it to the Kirkwood Continuing Educational Bldg

they may have some at a Kirkwood facility in Marion,
I will fwd the last announcement I got from another email account, you may wish to email Dawn Brown or Brent Shulte and get on their mailing list.

I think I better send this person another email saying Disregard last location, if you have not already been informed we have moved again to
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
7:00pm - 9:00pm
1200 Collins Rd NE
Cedar Rapids, IA


Regular business meeting. Focus will be on developing
One hopes the word gets out and we do not have people spread out around the County trying to go to where the meeting USED to be.

I stumbled upon this because I noticed that for the first time in a while the

 Linn County GOP, Iowa.  Face book site had been updated. Since it had been inactive for some time I was curious.  I have not received one of those Evite emails, so who knows? 

They may change their minds yet again.

Sigh, one of the Facets of being Conservative, whether it be a positive or a negative trait, is that we like at least some semblance of stability.

I find that lacking lately.

So the Meeting has moved again and you can find out about the change on Facebook
You are not a member of Facebook?

Well then call the  Linn County Central Committee Office for the latest information.

Oh I forget we don't HAVE a Linn County Central Committee Office anymore.

The New Executive Board decided we no longer needed it. 

It did not matter that it was set up and established by a Vote of the Central Committee,.

They don't seem to think that we need that anymore either.

Voting to make decisions on the General Management of the Central Committee.

There is an agenda, they have plans in the works it seems.
 Focus will be on developing precinct organizations to help support our elected officials and candidates.

One problem with this as I see it.  First the Central Committee has to decide that is what it wants to do.

You see there is a facet to how we are suppose to operate that the Executive Board has over looked.

The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee

I have been getting the impression that they view the direction of powers and responsibility to be in the other direction.

They are mistaken,.  The above was a direct quote from the County Constitution by the way.

We need to discuss and clarify these matters before ANY other actions are taken.

I have had long discussions on this subject,  With one gentleman who stated and I believe it to be true that his and my ultimate goals are the same.

I think that to be true. Our ideas on Means and Methods differ.

In one communication he wrote to me:

 The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do

FIRST: Is it the TRUTH?
SECOND: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
THIRD: Will it build
FOURTH: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all

I have tried to stay with the Truth, but the Truth is not FAIR it is what it is.  You cannot split the truth up so both sides have equal shares,  The Truth may or may NOT build Goodwill or Friendship.

It is said the Truth will Set you Free, but First it will Tick you off. Oh and the Truth is not necessarily going to benefit all concerned,

If some one is acting out of mistaken beliefs they may not react in a friendly manner to having that pointed out, they may not feel that action is a benefit to their plans.

Some times you have to make a choice between what you think is Right and how other people Feel about it.

On the subject of closing the Permanent Party Office?  The gentleman's opinion seemed to be that closing it did not matter, that in the Past such offices were temporary, mostly for elections.

I could have responded that the Permanent Office was a Symbol of our presence in the Community,  That symbols are important,. They give Structure and Purpose.

They give us something to work toward and maintain during the periods of time between elections,  That the temporary offices for the Election were the Victory Offices in Marion.

That is really beside the point. The Point is the Executive Board

 HAD NO RIGHT to take such an action without the approval of the Central Committee.  That is the point,

Now this man I spoke to is a very nice person,  He really wants the Central Committee to function and work,.

He also wants this to be done without hurting anyone's feelings or making a big ruckus,.

My thoughts?

If you want Happiness   Believe

If you want Truth   Inquire.

I am not one to sit back and believe everything I am told, I looked into these matters as they are laid out in the County  Constitution and By-Laws

 IE I Inquired.

And I decided that this must stop and the only way that will happen is if they are brought out into the Light of Day.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:12 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 7 June 2009 4:27 AM CDT
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Sunday, 7 June 2009 - 9:35 AM CDT

Name: "anonymous"

Fidel Castro never used to sleep in the same place twice for fear he would be discovered. Only his closest inner circle knew where their leader would be from one day to the next. 

Why should this be any different. 

Sunday, 7 June 2009 - 9:37 PM CDT

Name: "a different anonymous"

I assume we will find out how much the Marriott costs and how often we plan to gather there for meeting instead of ... well, the next hotel or college that pops into someone's mind?

I don't know that I mind the location, but I do dislike that it took this site for me to realize the location changed, again. That's not good considering the meeting is barely over a week away. I'm glad someone's gathering the rumors so I know where to attend meetings.

Some of the easiest ways to destroy a group include: breakdowns of communication, ever-changing locations, and failure to honor one's own word or rules.

Our group is clearly divided. Leadership should heed the words of dissent within the group; it's for the good of the party. If we continue with the challenges listed in the last paragraph, we are doomed, no matter how optimistic and energized people feel.

Monday, 8 June 2009 - 4:03 AM CDT

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page: http://

@different anonymous
I try to post information, not rumors, but if I do post rumors I will try to clearly mark them as such,
Now the information on the Marriot being the Meeting place comes from the Linn County Central Committe Facebook page posted by the Treasurer of the Executive Board,
That said, some of us may recall that there were flyers handed out saying that the April Meeting was going to be at the Antioch Church of Christ, but the meeting place was there after changed to Kirkwood,
So I posted a copy of an official announcement made by the Executive Board, but as to where the meeting will  actually be?
We must wait and see, ;-)

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