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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 12 June 2009
The Elephant in the Room

Of the cuff, one might think Republicans would approve of Elephants and for the most part you would be correct,

 Magnificent beasts emanating strength, grandeur and dignity,  A fitting symbol for our  Party

But no one would want an elephant in the living room parked on their sofa.



The Elephant in the room is an English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook; thus, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there might be concerning themselves with relatively small and even irrelevant matters, compared to the looming big one.


We in Linn County have an Elephant in our room, not our living rooms but in the rooms we hold our monthly Central Committee Meetings.

There is a basic disconnect between the Present Executive Committee and the Central Committee at large.

It is derived from some in my opinion, flawed assumptions.

The New Executive Board came into office with a large amount of enthusiasm and plans for what they were going to do.

It turns out they did not disclose some of those plans to us, until after the fact,

Anyone who was at one of the previous meetings where vigorous debate ensued whether  to change the meeting day from the first Tuesday of each month to the third Tuesday, or not, might understand the reasoning./

They might not have wanted to bother the Central Committee's little heads with such a weighty decisions,

 They probably did not want the Fuss, so they made the decision for us.  

Their attempt may have been taken in  "Good Faith" bit I am sorry that is NOT the way the Linn County Republican Central Committee is supposed to work.

Not if you want it to function in accordance with legal founding documentation.  


the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and the By-Laws of the Linn County Central Committee.

The above links are to PDF files, if you do not have a PDF viewer a simple Freeware PDF viewer can be obtained HERE

So how did we arrive at this crossroads?

My journey began this February when the first objections were raised about who was or was not a voting member.

I was confused and in that reaction it seems I was not unique.

 I have since investigated the situation to the best of my ability and the reactions in large seem to have been.

Don't make a Fuss, we want to Elect Republicans, how does that help???

My answer has been,  But we are NOT in Compliance with the Election Codes, the Constitutions of the State and County Party and the County By-Laws,

Why not FIX this mess.

Now as possibly a result of this attitude that seems to say, if we Act in Good Faith and we have everyones Best Interests at Heart, just leave things alone and we can deal with it later.

We have an Executive Board that does not think it needs a Central Committee,

Rather like a Head that does not like the direction the Body is taking so it wants to be Cut off so it can go it's own way.

Let me make one point Crystal Clear it is the EXECUTIVE Board that Constitutionally works under the direction of the Central Committee and not the reverse.,

The last few months that detail has had all the attention of an Elephant in the Room, which everyone pretends is not there and refuses to talk about.

 And REALLY it is the GOP which is supposed to stand for individual citizens making their own decisions NOT just marching to the orders of some Centralized Control;

Isn't it?

The Republican Party is in the mess it has landed itself in , partly because we started acting like Democrats,  We do NOT need a Newer more modern way to act like Democrats.

So it was not without careful thought and even more careful consideration of the principles involved that I have composed a motion to address this situation,  the Text will be in a second post to follow this one immediatly

 Folks we need to Fix this


Problems like Elephants in the Room do not go away just because we don't want to see them.

The pile just gets Higher




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:55 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 12 June 2009 6:10 AM CDT
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Friday, 12 June 2009 - 7:18 AM CDT

Name: "anonymous"

The answer is easy. 

You appoint a vodoo, ad hoc committee to rearrange who is a member of the Linn County Repubican Party Central Committee. Anybody you want not a member is not a member. Rules? Who needs rules. 

Pull your dirty, under handed deeds while preaching unity. Hold a prayer session to make all appear pious and devinely blessed. If you need help, call your "friends" in Des Moines.

After all, they were the people who made the new Linn County Republican Party Executive Board a reality. 

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