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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 26 June 2009
From Precint CR-10
One of the functions of Precinct Facebook Groups is communication
Gina Cooper From Precinct CR-10 has some observations on the state of affairs today

Gina Cooper wrote   on June 20, 2009 at 10:50am
  What is in a name? What do people think when they hear "republican?" To some, it's enemy number one. To others, it's their parents' party. They stick with it and vote for it, but only because they were raised with it.
Then there are some (and I believe this number is growing rapidly) who are disgusted with the name.
It used to stand for solid conservatism. It was the party for people who believed in smaller government interference, people's rights, the Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.
 Now we have RINOs and moderates and spineless politicians who don't even know what conservatism is! Our party is in shambles. There is a solid conservative base out there, but they have all but ceased to speak or be involved. It seems hopeless or not worth the effort any longer. Corruption is rampant (okay, so when has it not?), even to the lowest levels of the party.

This name, republican, used to stand for something good. It stood for people who stood together
. For people who knew each other and cared for each other. It stood for a group of people who believed that government should start with the people!
 Men and women who were involved, who knew the issues and felt strongly about them.
 We have lost our connection with each other. And worse than that, we've lost our passion.

In this modern world, we don't connect with each other on a personal level anymore. We text, email, chat, post, and of course call....We don't know our neighbors the way our parents did. Neighborhoods aren't close-knit families any more. Maybe that's a generalization, but in many cases, it's the truth.
 Do you know your neighbors?
 I don't.

So, the challenge. We need to take up our name and make it great once more.
 Make it a name that people want to be associated with. How do we do that?
We need to connect with our neighbors.
Connect with our co-workers, our communities.
With all this technology has come a loss of personal, face-to-face relationships. Technology is not a bad thing. It has also given us the means to connect with more people than ever before possible. Whether it's your neighbor down the street, or your neighbor across the nation, we need to re-connect with them.

This party should be a haven for people who have become disenchanted, disillusioned, downright disgusted with what's going on in the country today.
 Our platform should be solid, not wishy-washy
. We aren't going to attract people by trying to please every one.
 This name needs to stand for solid values and beliefs! People will come when they see that we are not reeds blowing in the wind of politics. People will come when they see that we are deeply rooted in what we believe and are willing to stand up and vote for it!
So, what are you going to do about this name?
Are you going to walk away from it?
Are you done with it?
 The party as it stands now is pathetic.
Do we have what it takes to fix it?
Or will we continue to watch silently while our party rushes down the drain?
It's up to you. And me. And our neighbors. Do you know your neighbors?
Anyone feeling like giving Gina an Answer?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:21 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 26 June 2009 8:23 AM CDT
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