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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Where Were YOU During The '08 Caucus?
 Correction It should be Caucus of '08 what I get for slapping this together at 5 to 6 AM
There are incidents in the annals of History, that Stir the Soul.

Not the Great Victories but those Tales of Valiant Stands against Overwhelming Odds.

Stands such as the Spartans at Thermopylae

The Texans at the Alamo , The Charge of the Light Brigade

and for Americans during the Pacific War it might be the Battle of Wake Island where it was reported that surrounded by overwhelming forces, in response to a query as to what aid was  needed they  replied

"Send us more Japs"

"Remember Wake Island" became the Battle Cry of the Pacific Forces.

For current day Republicans it might be "Remember the Election of '08"
Do you remember where you were during the Caucus of '08?

I do, I was driving around trying to find it.  Alack a mistake was made in the address and I was trying to find an address in the South East sector that was in the North East one?

But while I did not make that Caucus, a friend of mine did.

His name is John King and he stands for the Special Election for Iowa District 33 in the SAME Party in which he Caucused in 2008.

That was not a Time of Great Expectation for our Party it was not a Time for the Casual Summer Soldier.

It was a time when the committed went forth to support Republican Candidates and John King worked tirelessly in the Campaign of the Candidate he supported.

Why do I bring this up?  Maybe it is because Thursday night John will stand in opposition to another candidate for this Special Election who was NOT on our side  3 years ago.

There have been in recent months in response to something I have written that was considered controversial, this phrase presented to me,

What does that have to do with Electing Republicans.

So I ask about this situation, what does that have to do with Electing a Republican.

Along with the fact that Mr King holds the principles of the Founding Fathers, those ideals that formed the basis of our Republic as Sacred as I do, is the Fact that in 2008 he was in the trenches with Republicans.

For these reasons he has my absolute support.
Facebook Members can find more on his Ideals at

John King for Iowa House 

such as

What I believe in:

"Every generation needs a new revolution. " -Thomas Jefferson

I have decided, with considerable apprehension, to accept the invitation to seek the office of representative of the People of Iowa, district 33.

I say "with apprehension", because I consider this post to be a service to my fellow citizens and my country; a hardship to be endured in the pursuit of a greater cause. There is no personal gain in this endeavor for me, but I believe so strongly in the cause of freedom that I cannot in good conscience sit by idly and complain when the status quo continues.


I could start this introduction with some personal facts to show my leadership qualities, but I'm really not interested in leading you. I could open with policy positions, but that wouldn't inform you of my intentions as your representative.

Let us, instead, begin with what I believe in. Hopefully that will shed light on my policy positions and inspire you to pick up the torch and join me.

I believe, first and foremost in the cause of freedom. I believe that our blessings of prosperity and security have been built upon that bedrock, and that without it our security and comfort are worthless. I believe that freedom cannot endure when the government ignores and subverts the very Constitution that exists to check it's power. I see this check on absolute power eroding before my eyes, and fear for the day when our government has so thoroughly frightened and intimidated us that we have no rights left and our experiment in Democracy ends in tyranny.

My first duty is to the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Iowa. As your representative, I pledge that I will never vote for or passively allow to pass any legislation that violate them, even if you want me to.

My second duty is to represent the will of my constituents; to act on your behalf in accordance with your wishes. It is only where my Constitution gives me permission to act and my fellow citizens give me no clear mandate where I will personally decide on a course of action. When that occurs, my decision will always fall to maximum personal freedom, smaller government, less taxes, fiscal responsibility, and transparency of government.

If I am elected to this post, this is one campaign promise that I can make without any reservation on my part or doubt on yours: When I take the oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution to the best of my ability, that's not just a formality. I promise to follow through on it.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:57 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 October 2009 11:17 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 28 October 2009 - 7:09 AM CDT

Name: "anonymous"

Mr King, with those documents as your guide, you can't go wrong. We are not stupid. We are not asking you to be our mother and father. You have our support to represent us.

Government is a necessary evil. There is no greater evil than government in excess of necessity. 

 Make us proud.



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