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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
First We Must Get Their Attention
There is an old tale about a farmer who bought a new plow mule and was informed by it's former owner that, "He will do everything you want from a plow mule, just ask him nicely."  
Much to the chagrin of the new owner, the mule laid his ears back, dug his hooves in the dirt and didn't budge.

So he called the former owner who came over looked at the mule, picked up a 2 X 4 leaning up against the barn and WHACK laid the mule out.

"I thought you said all I needed to do was ask nicely", the new owner said.

"Well" the former owner replied, "FIRST you gotta get his attention."

I would say events around the country, Tea Party Rallies, Town Hall Meetings and most recently the  Election in Massachusetts,  MAY indicate that the American Public is giving up on,  "Asking Nicely"

The question is, whether anyone is paying attention.

Now it is quite true that the Election of Senator Brown WAS about the Proposed Health Care Plan.

That, however is not the entire picture.

Let's be honest, the public does think Health Care is important.

The American Public does want some changes and improvement.

The American Public also wants something done about dependence on Foreign Energy supplies.

What it doesn't want is the Progressive Plan on Health Care with an accompanying take over by the Federal Government of 1/6th of the US Economy.

NOR does it like the Raping of the US Economy that is a called Cap and Trade with the attending Redistribution of Wealth around the World which is in my opinion the real goal of the Global Warming Agenda.


The American Public is LIVID at the Progressive's Obsession with the above to the Exclusion of attention on what it feels are the MOST Important Issues of Today.

Those being, the Economy, Jobs and National Security in the Face of International Islamic Jihad,

And while they were voting on Health Care, Cap and Trade they were also saying


We want you to start focusing on what WE think is important
PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which means to me that anyone who campaigns on other issues to the exclusion of the Core Values that the Public desires?

Is in for  a BIG surprise.

As Republicans and Conservatives we stand att the cusp of a Generational Opportunity, possibly surpassing the one we found in 1994.

Should we let this slip through our fingers it may be more than one generation before we have another one and if we fail generations of Progressive Politicians will be indebted to us.

Our Tent has many rooms, Social Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, Constitutional Conservatives etc.

All of our Core Values have importance and if fact, we do well with the General Population.

Right to Life values are increasing among the public, Defense of Marriage Values are as well, 30 some States have taken stands on the latter and there has been a shift in the attitude of the Public on the topic of Abortion in our Favor.

In the last Generation, more and more States have affirmed support of the 2cnd Amendment with Shall Carry Legislation.

So many of our Core Values ARE held by most of the General Public,

BUT if we do not come to the Electorate on the Issues that they deem to be most important NOW?

We may be picking ourselves up off the plow field along with the Progressives.

What the Tea Party espouses ARE Conservative Core Values,

We need not do anything but be true to our Basic Principles and Campaign on them.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:22 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 2 February 2010 4:40 AM CST
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