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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Of Sausages and Politics and Things That Go Bump In The Night
They say that anyone who is upset by the sight of something Ugly should not watch Sausage being made or Politics in Action

and that Things That Go Bump In The Night usually refers to something Ugly and Menacing Lurking in the Darkness .

I have avoided watching Sausage being made, but I did experience the other 2 on a Tuesday Night recently.

I think at times I have become a relic of a forgotten age.  In our present era where we are surrounded by varying hues of Gray, I am told I think in terms of Black and White, that I have too rigid a concept of things such as Constitutions, By-Laws and Rules of Order.

I might say I am Sorry about that but I am not.

When, for instance I look at Section VIII of the


and see

The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

The term none, means never, not at all. 

To me it does not mean, "unless we feel like it", or "unless we decide we know what is best."

It just means   it is not supposed to happen, 

But then I have simple modes of thinking.

So when the Executive Board took it upon itself to change the meeting place last spring  and later decided to close the Party Office.

Both of which were established by Votes of the Central Committee, what comes to my Mind is "That is wrong"

Yes I still think in such outmoded terms of Right and Wrong,

I lack nuance.

A Rule is Followed or it is Broken.

When I read in the



Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall prevail unless modified by these by-laws.

I actually think Robert's Rules of Order are to Obeyed.

Silly me.

So when I see some one like John King rising to present a motion based on Robert's Rules of Order and QUOTING from a Text of them, only to be Ignored and  Ruled Out of Order.

Again I have the simplistic reaction of

That is WRONG.


Taken in isolation, complaints about actions over the last year could be construed as  "nit picking"

Taken in total they comprise a "Pattern of Behavior"

When anyone has risen to object to anything they deem to be irregular they are invariably ruled  "Out of Order"

When a member of the Executive Board has spoken out of turn, not in keeping with the Strictures of Robert's Rules of Order they have been Recognized  Ex post Facto, after the fact.

I do not make the claim that this is a local problem.

It is not.

I was at the last State Convention, if you were not in attendance I suggest you query someone who was to verify the following.

There was controversy over the selection of delegates.

The Convention was informed by a Member of the Rules Committee as to the Proper manner of amending the National Delegate List.

That method was implemented and when it was in the process there was a hasty motion to end debate.

The Chair recognized the Voice Vote as affirming closing debate and motions.

Had that been limited to the Decision by the Chair all would have been in order.


The Chair refused to hear Calls for Division.

I know this for a fact.  I was there. I too called for Division.

Members holding microphones Called For Division.

It was not the case that the Chair did not hear.

It was the case that the Chair FLAGRANTLY violated

The Rules of Procedure.

Which seem to apply only to us, not to them.

We are told if we object that we are creating controversy which will hinder Republicans from being elected.

I say that is the Solid Wast Product of a Male Bovine.

WE have NOT created this controversy, we are reacting to Improper Actions.

So what should we do?

Our Committee is charged with the Management of Affairs of the Republican Party in this County, the Executive Board is charged with Routine Business between meetings and to advise and assist the Central Committee.

This not what is being followed.


Sit quietly while our Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order are ripped into shreds?

Wait to be told what decisions have been made by others for us to follow?

So that Republicans chosen by them can be elected?

This reminds me of a Soviet Era Anecdoti.

Where was the First Soviet Election?


God ripped a rib out of the side of Adam, made Eve

And said

Now choose a Wife

Anyone else feeling a pain in their side?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:11 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 February 2010 7:00 AM CST
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