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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
On Which Hill?
In Battle there are many Hills to take. 

The trick is which one is important?

Choose the wrong Hill and you lose the Battle.

Choose a different wrong Hill and you may win the Battle and lose the War.

It helps if you figure out when and where the War began.

Those who were around at the time, may remember the Mantra of the Sixties.
Raise the consciousness of the masses and get them involved in the political process was the clarion call.

They succeeded, but a strange thing happened on the Way to the Revolution.

You see there was an unspoken assumption.

The masses were to be awakened, involved in the political process, but they were supposed to do what their betters told them to do.

And so the Radiant Future fell to pieces on the rocks of people who stubbornly decided to think for themselves.

They were later to be called things like the Religious Right, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy,  and other less pleasant epithets.

That is where the real Battle Lines are drawn.

Between those who wish to think for themselves and those who wish to think for everyone else followed by the sheep who want someone else to think for them.

There are many Hills and many Issues that is the one IMO that we MUST take or we lose all else.

Personal Responsibility is another phrase for Self Determination.


The Conservative Wing of American Political Thought has many Tents.

Social Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, National Security Conservatives and Constitutional Conservatives.

We all spend time in some, most,  if not all of those tents.

They ALL important, but I think the main lesson of the elections in recent times, NY 23, New Jersey, Kentucky, etc is that people are tired of the Political Class NOT LISTENING!

Often it is not that they think a particular issue is not important

But that they think others are not only MORE important they are VITAL.

The Liberal Left is NOT listening,

We on the Conservative side had better figure out what they REALLY want us to hear or they will reject us with the same disgust they are presently rejecting the Left.

Actually Social Issues have for some time been doing well.  

The majority of the public has taken up the ideals that are most important to Social Conservatives.

That is not the issue.

Americans also want something done about Health Care.

They don't want the Liberal Plan and they DO NOT want to be continuously told how ignorant and ungrateful they are for not wanting what the Liberals are trying to cram down their throats.

But they have spoken clearly.

What they WANT is the Government to work on the Economy, REAL Job Creation, in the Private Sector, not just pouring money we don't have into Public Service Black Holes and they REALLY don't want Socialism or Government intrusion into every aspect of they lives.

They want the Constitution upheld and our Borders Secured,

Now if ANYONE goes out and campaigns on anything else?

It won't matter which side they are on, Left or Right, they will be lucky if it falls on deaf ears, but it will probably be responded to with the equivalent of rotten eggs and tomatoes.

But still we have those in our camp who can only see One Hill, and they insist that we all charge up that one or they will go home and let us fight the Battle alone.

That has been they Battle Plan In Iowa over the last generation and how has it worked out?

Well the two main political figures in this Election are Brans tad and Grassely.

Isn't that EXACTLY where the Iowa Republican Party was a GENERATION ago?

Where are all the New Republican Leaders who one would have thought should  have sprung up in the last generation?

They all died  trying to take the SAME Hill.


These folks  also seem to want to decide what we should do and think, rather than waiting for us to tell THEM via our Primary and Votes what THEY as Party Leaders should be doing.

I don't like the phrase Party Leaders I think they should  be the SERVANTS of the Party,

We are the Party they are chosen by us to implement OUR wishes.

 I mentioned some of this in a previous post

 We Are All Toast Today

 The consciousness of the masses is awakening once again, it sprung up overnight in something called Tea Partys.

I have been to some of those events, many are young families, I recalled one young woman saying that she used to think those who went out and demonstrated were strange and now she was out demonstrating.

 Politics are we have known it is over. 

 People are no longer willing to let the Party Leadership decide for THEM what THEY should think and who THEY should choose to represent THEM.

 What they are saying IS.

Machine Politics is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even in Des Moines County there has been rumbling of discontent with the direction of the RPI


  Is Rebellion Brewing in Hell's Southeast Enclave?

The Des Moines County Republican Party Central Committee witnessed an uprising last night. Morris, I ain't no attorney no more, Hurd took the floor.

Iowa "Christian" Alliance Board member Morris Hurd started railing against Burlington Derailed. "Lies," all lies against the Iowa "Christian" Alliance President, Republican National Committeeman from Iowa, Iowa Faith and Freedom leader and business partner with Jack Abramoff's old partner, Ralph Reed. It was all just personal attacks against Steve Sheffler.

A few people finally stood up to the cultist bullies. It was pointed out the Derailed stories contained news organization links to Mr. Sheffler's nefarious actions. Local Republican leaders were asked if they ever read the Des Moines Register, or the Cedar Rapids Gazette. There is more to be learned than simply what is found in the Ad Vertiser.

One long time and well respected local Republican put it bluntly. Mr. Sheffler was representing his personal beliefs and prejudices, not the Republican Party of Iowa.

All Republicans should be given an equal opportunity to plead their case for public office. If they are homosexual, black, whatever, it should make no difference. The party as a whole should decide who is worthy on the ticket, not Steve Sheffler.

Reverend Hurd denied the political operations he and Sheffler run are Political Action Committees. Who does Morris think he is fooling?

A 2nd District wide movement calling for Sheffler's resignation from the Iowa Republican Party Central Committee and thereby the National Republican Committee was mentioned.

A resolution was introduced calling for Mr. Sheffler to resign.

The assembled Des Moines County Central Committee members resoundingly voted down the resolution calling for Sheffler's resignation. Afterward, questions were being asked. Those caught unaware are learning what has been kept from them.




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:37 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 June 2010 11:22 PM CDT
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