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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Thursday, 23 September 2010
The Meaning of Words

If Tuesday night you happened to have been at the September
Linn County Republican Central Committee Meeting that Wasn't

You may have witnessed the Chair and I did not have a meeting of minds
on the definition of certain terms.

This stemmed from my query as to under what
authority our Meeting location had been

I was informed by the Chair, that it was under his Authority

I had assumed as much, but am of the opinion that, that Authority was not valid

I arrive at my position by these items from the Constitution of the Linn County Republican
Party and it's By-Laws

 The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County is vested in the Linn County Central Committee, subject to direction from time to time by the County convention of the party.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County Central Committee.meeting

 The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

The Chair shall be the Executive Officer and conduct all meetings of the Central Committee and assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned.

Now I do not wish you to take my word for the above. I am happy to report that these
documents can now be found on the County Party website and it would be better for you to go there pull them up and ascertain that I have not,  been guilty of selective quotation, nor taken  them out of  context

They may be found Here 

Now of course I do not contend that there are no circumstances under which the Executive
Committee might change the meeting place,  Should some unforseen incident preclude
us from meeting in our regular location it would be their duty to find and alternate location

When we do not have a regular location as in the recent past ,it was their duty to obtain a meeting location.

But after the Meeting Location Search Subcommittee reported it's findings, which were debated and voted on by the Central Committee, matters were different

Then, the location became to quote the text above, "actions of the Linn County Central Committee." .

I feel that when the Central Committee Voted to have it's meetings at the Long Branch on the third Tuesday of the Month

 It was NOT the feeling of the Body to have the meetings at the Long Branch on the third Tuesday of the Month if the Executive Committee felt like doing so, or did not have anything else they wished us to do

I think it was the feeling of the Body to have the meetings at the Long Branch on the third Tuesday of the Month PERIOD.

And that, baring some clear and pressing reason we could not meet there, it was exceeding the Authority by the Executive Board to alter that arrangement.

Not to mention, that it is my understanding that the Long Branch was informed of this decision via a voice mail message received by one of the managers about 2 or 3 O'clock on the afternoon of the scheduled meeting and yes I specifically asked them about this.

Now I do not disparage the REASON for the change. We all know how important these next two elections are and phone banking is important

But the Rules of Procedure, the County Constitution and By-Laws are equally important and IMO are not to be set aside lightly

I think the present mood of the Nation indicates I am not unique in this attitude.

What we have here is a difference of opinion on the meaning of some words
Subject to the orders of ,  General Management,  None of it;s Acts shall Conflict with

If it were the case that the Central Committee is subject to the orders of the Executive Committee, the County Constitution would be so worded, but it is not.

Words have meanings, I do not think they vary from one person to another

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:54 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 23 September 2010 4:13 AM CDT
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