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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 8 December 2014
Financial Malfeasance

Recently we have been exposed to some hysteria over issues dealing with the Linn County Republican Central Committee's finances.

And of course like most hysterical exhortations we had to do something now, Now NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we faced CATASTROPHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have looked at the DR-2 forms in question.

Hint: they were in an email from the State Ethics Board which also stated that they were not even received by the Ethics Board until the Friday after our meeting.

To me that seems odd.  

 What seems odder is the Summary of the DR-2 Form,


Summary of Findings

After looking over the various LCRCC financial statements and DR-2 forms, there does not appear to

be any misuse of funds or other intentionally deceitful practices. However, nearly 40 errors were

identified over the 18 month time period, and most fall into one of three categories: misattribution of

contribution, failure to report contributions, and failure to deposit contributions in a timely manner.

Over a dozen instances of misattribution can be found, involved approximately $2,390 worth of

contributions. Equally frequent were the occurrences of failing to deposit funds in a timely manner,

resulting in at least $3,626 worth of funds being held up to two months after receipt by the

treasurer. Additionally, there were at least eleven instances of contributions failing to be reported at

all, totaling $680. And finally, $100 in funds were misappropriated and misreported on April 14. 

 Let me repeat the portion I put in bold print

 there does not appear to

be any misuse of funds or other intentionally deceitful practices. 

Does that sound like a crisis to anyone?

Do these type of errrors sound like an emergency?


DR-2 filed January 19, 2014

June 2013

• Check #1590 for $1000 was incorrectly reported as Fred Johnson, instead of Dee Ann

Johnson. [Reference: Deposit 6/10/13]

December 2013

• Check #4131 for $100 was incorrectly reported as Gene Brodrecht, instead of Sandra

Brodrecht. [Reference: Deposit 12/23/13]

• Check #1414 for $25 was incorrectly reported as Joe Golding, instead of Cindy Golding.

[Reference: Deposit 12/23/13]

• $3,526 worth of cash and checks received from 10/15/13 to 12/21/13 was held until

being deposited on 12/23/13. [Reference: Deposit 12/23/13]

• Check #1407 for $80 was incorrectly reported as Joe Golding, instead of Cindy Golding.

[Reference: Deposit 12/23/13]

• Check #2016 for $90 was incorrectly reported as James Knox, instead of Alicia Knox.

[Reference: Deposit 12/23/13]

• $100 worth of checks received in December 2013 was held longer than 7 days until being

deposited on 12/30/13. [Reference: Deposit 12/30/13] 

It might be best if you look at the entire DR-2 Forms yourselves and make certain I am not selectively quoting it.

You  can find the Full Form HERE

But if we are going to engage in a Financial Witch Hunt?

Why not bring out to the Light of Day a Check that was signed 

Without the Legal Authority to Do So?

I mean that might be considered an Ethical lapse?

Signing a Check Illegally in Violation and Defiance of the Linn County Republican Central Commitee ByLaws? 

You can find the Full ByLaws HERE 


The ByLaws are very specific on how a check should be signed



checks shall be signed b the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair 

Now let me explain. Where it say ALL that means every single one without exception

Where it say  

shall be signed b the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair 

That means the Treasurer MUST sign each check but that either the Chair OR the Co-Chair can countersign.

Is everyone clear on those two points? Is there any confusion??

It would appear that an Insurance Policy was on the verge of expiring.

It also appears that the Finance Commitee was looking at alternative Insurance.

It appears that the Chair had been INFORMED of these factors

It appears tha the Chair IGNORED the wshes of the body and it's designated Sub-Commitee and rushed through an Improper Illegaly signature by only the Chair and the Co=Chair at what seems to be called an Executive/Advisory Commitee Meeting

Now anyone may spend the next Geological Epoch looking through our County Constititution and ByLaws and nevery find anything with that label.

It apppears to be a creation of our present Chair by combining Executive Board meetings and Advisory Board meetings,

There are two other problems with the actions taken at this meeting.

In addition to a check that is not signed by the Treasurer being a violation of the ByLaws there was NO QUORAM of the Executives therefore NO decisions could Legally be made.

Another Issue was the Advisory Board is ADVISORY and cannot make Decsions for the Body,

Anyone with a problem with that needs to look up the definition of the word Advisory

Here is a Link to an Online Dictionary

So it would appear that under our Rules of Order the Executive Board lacked the number where it could legally make any decisiions,

In addition the Members of the Executive Board present could not legally sign a check by themselves but did so anyway.

And they did so in defiance of the wishes of the Body as expressed by the designated Sub-Commitee working ont the issue.

None of which seems to matter to the present Chair who has developed a Pattern Of Behavior of ignoring and violating the County Constition, ByLaws and Rules of Order if they find them Inconvienient

This ends the Story of the Check that Should Not Have Been Signed But Was

Tommorow we will look at the Checks that Should Have Been Signed But Weren't 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:35 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 8 December 2014 4:41 PM CST
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