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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
How To Destroy The LCRCC

Hi everyone my name is Dan and I am an





It is because I am lacking in any aspect of Human Decency, Compassion for my fellow Party Members or Comprehension of the Concepts of Morality and Ethics


That I wish to completely destroy the Linn County Republican Central Committee and Suck the Marrow from it's Bones.



 Or at least that is the claim relayed to me by the Chair of the LCRCC's Office Subcommittee.


&thus u have just revealed how sick u all are. Taking pride in the destruction of the LCRCC. truly it's a sad day...go ahead & give yourselves a nice pat on the back! 

But I think he does me too much credit.  I am only one person and am not in a position to do much destruction.

Now I do understand the process.  I have been watching with dismay while for over a year an expert has been demolishing what we built up under the Previous Chair.

So the First Step is--

Get Elected Chair.

Now you want to pick a nice healthy Central Committee one with a good Treasury,

It is not much of a challenge to demolish a Central Committee that is in  disarray with a depleted Treasury and you will not get much street cred amongst your fellow Central Committee demolishers.

You want to start small.  The basic method is based on the frog in s slowly boiling pot of water. 

 You might want to start by berating and castigating volunteers setting up for a function for placing more than 5 mints in the center of the tables.

This will prompt them to refuse to volunteer for anything that you might be involved in and you must make certain that you are involved and insist on running EVERYTHING.

About this now it will be time to CLAIM that certain aspects of the Constitution and ByLaws do not apply to you.

It is important NOT to violate any of their provisions just make the claim.

You might start by saying that some people want to move the meeting and while you COULD make that decision yourself, you think it is best to let the Commitee decide,

You see there is this pesky little part of the Constitution that says.


 The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

You want to get people used to the idea that you can ignore tedious things like Constitutions, ByLaws and Rules of Order and that despite the fact that the Committee established the time, dates and places for the meeting you COULD if you wished countermand that.
Now that you have the foundation set, Some disarray among the volunteers claims of extra Constitutional Power it is time to heat things up a bit more.
If your Central Committee has for instance two Evant Fund Raisers that have been sucessful with several hundred attendees at times, it is time to correct this.
If one is in the Spring and one is in the Winter move the Spring one to the Fall, when it can compete if it is an Election year with ALL the Candidates for donations.
Arrange it so there are no functions for 7 months and then 3  functions one every other month for the last 5 months of the year.
You might want also to move the Fall Event from a venue  where it can host a large cloud to the Victory Office.
That way you can ensure that you will only have room for about 20% of the usual attendence AND you can aggravate the volunteers who are tying to do election work,  Every little bit of agro helps.
After you have reducted the Fall Event to a disaster it is time to go to work on Donors.
Call one of them at a time of day that will ensure they are swamped and will not have time to talk,  Insist that the ad/donation MUST be done NOW.
If they tell you they have a firm policy that NO agreement is final until they have a proof copy to review snd a contract IGNORE that and place and ad for them anyway!
Later dun them for the ad they did not know they placed and mention that it would be a SHAME if the whole issue went public.
Be ASTONISHED that no more than 24 hours after making that statement that your Webmaster DOES go Public with the Story and posts a call to boycott the business because it does not pay its bills on the Central Committee's Facebook Group Page and not only his own Facebook Page but the Facebook pages of about 20 people including a sitting Congressman.
Now you have the heat up to just under a slow boil it is time to crank it up further.
Have a Purge the meeting before your Winter event remove undesirables from their positions  and alienate a large portion of the membership.
This way you can blame THEM for that event only drawing about 20% of its usual crowd,
Oh and as an added treat?  Change the rules for tickets to allow sales after the deadline even the night of the Party or even a few days after the Party BUT allow your self and a few friends to purchase a few tickets at the earlier reduced rate.

If you have done all the above or even some of it you MAY be able to take a Central Committee that had cohesion, unity and a track record of accomplishments and turn it into a ruin,

THEN run for a second term so you can finish it off. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:01 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 February 2015 3:16 AM CST
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