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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Get With The Program Or Move On.





Get with the program or move on

 Is not just a quote, but the SUBJECT LINE of an Email sent to one of our members by the Linn County Republican Central Committee Chair.

She Who Must Be Obeyed. 

In many Deliberative Societies it is not uncommon to find differing points of view.

The preferred method of handling this is Debate and Dialogue.

Both sides present their views to the Body,

There are Rules governing how this is done.

The most important being, only the Body has the Right to End Debate.

By a Two Thirds Vote.

The idea being that if 2/3rds feel that they have heard enough it is time to make a decision.

The less preferred is the use of differing methods to see that Dialogue is suppressed,

I recall when I was still Parliamentarian a Debate was ensuing at a Central Committee meeting and the Chair asked me,  "What can I do to End this?"  My reply was "Nothing" 

See above the bit about Only the Body has the Right to End Debate.

That incident might have been the origin of the 5 Minute Rule on Subcommittee Reports.

We cannot have the Body getting too much information.

It must be LIMITED,

So that they will Keep their Mouths Shut, Do What they are Told and Remember what Their Place is.

In a word.

They can "Get with the program or move on"

The Unbelievers MUST be driven out the Doors of the Temple lest they corrupt the Faithful! 

Because the Prophets of "Making a difference for the good of this country"

Have decreed that the Heretics be Purged.

"Either come along with us or we will move ahead without you. It's your choice."

Myself I am a firm believer that everyone one has a Right to THEIR Choice.

The County Chair seems to feel  that evryone has a Right to HER Choice..  

We will have in one short week a Chance to Choose,

They have done their best so far to place limitations on that Choice,

Nominees will have 2 minutes to speak to us and there will be NO Questions from the Floor and then


Immediately we go to the Vote.


In the Past the reason for a short statement and no questions from the floor was because we had a month between Nominations and Voting to ask Questions.

They want the assistant commitee persons who will vote to be decided NOT by the Senority System we have always used but instead base it on Who Wins the Race to Be First To Check In.

But the Rules used will be the Choice of the BODY. 

The Leadership that comes out of the Voting will also be the Choice of the Body. 

So at this meeting coming up in One Week

Choose Wisely.

Because if you don't?

You may not get another Chance to Choose anything for a couple of years. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:57 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 February 2015 8:08 AM CST
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