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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Saturday, 14 February 2015
It Would Be A Real Shame

It would be a Real Shame if something bad should happen to you.

Is something one expects to hear in an Old Detective Show.

Where the Mafia Don is explaining the Facts of Life to someone,

It is not what one expects to find in an exchange between Officials of fhe Linn County Central Committee and an Officer of a Local Conservative Organization.


So sit back and read these exchanges,

The names have been Redacted to Shelter the Guilty


Xxxx would you be able to show the ICU 4/ 2014 bank statement-demonstrating that there was $100 in the account to prove that it was a simple mistake of using the wrong checkbook - as Xxx stated to us & the IECDB? if not, I'm afraid that a formal complaint will be issued & then it's out of our hands & to the media. I hope that doesn't happen. 




I will do my best. I still have to set up my desktop. I have been laid up with a broken foot so it is a little difficult to get around the house. I should have the I formation sometime tomorrow afternoon.


Thanks. I hope we can side-step this potential land mine. 

Both you & I are caught up in this. I don't believe you had anything to do with it & neither did I. I really want to get the records cleared up & this (I believe) is the last missing piece.


I will do my best to get it to you tomorrow. Thanks to Xxxxx I can fix my desktop, I just had several obstacles in a row with being able to get it put back together and up and running.


I think you just have to call the bank to get a copy of 4/14 statement since you're the treasurer. That's what I had to do 'cuz Xxx X changed the password to the LCRCC acct.




I wanted to inquire with you before I take any action for it may expedite matters and mean I do not need to continue. Might you know what the ICU bank account balance was upon the dates of 4/1-4/12/14?  I am being asked by several people this and I have no way of knowing. So I thought knowing you and knowing how much you value doing things right, you may want to confirm the balance.


I don’t think Xxx had done anything to intentionally defraud anyone and knowing the balances during each of those days would clarify the matter. I do think there is a lot of exceptionally sloppy recordkeeping/reporting. So if you’d like to help shed light upon the matter it would be great, else I will let the person who keeps asking me for what I have  file a formal complaint. Again I think we can clear this up without having to go that route.


I'm not quit sure of what days you are looking for. Are they April 1-4, 12, 14? What year? My computer is down so it may take a few days. Why is someone asking you about ICU records and not me? Anyway, I will do my best to get the information to you.



Each day of April 1st through the 14th of 2014.  They want to file the complaint and I told them let me show the respect Xxxx deserves and ask him for it would tell a lot. If there was funds then it was extreme sloppy treasury on Xxx’s part, if there was not then it was fraud and illegal.


Though I am the one Xxx told to go look at the DR2’s and I found all sorts of items I wanted to give ICU the ability to clear this up before any escalation. You have always been straight with me.


I'm not quit sure of what days you are looking for. Are they April 1-4, 12, 14? What year? My computer is down so it may take a few days. Why is someone asking you about ICU records and not me? Anyway, I will do my best to get the information to you.



This exchange concerned an attempt by individuals to convince the Treasurer of the Iowa Conservative Union to allow them access to the ICU Bank Records for a FISHING eXpedition.

This would have been highly Unethical and a Violation of His Fiduciary Responsibility.

 Lest anyone think this is an isolated incident let me remind them of the claim made by a Local Conservative Business that was a former generous donor to the LCRCC .

 "I responded to Xxxxx Xxxxxxx’s latest email, in which she stated her intention to bring this issue before your Central Committee and threatened me with negative publicity, during the morning of Saturday the 17th.  In my response, I recommended to Xxx. Xxxxxxx that she drop the issue immediately and cease her slanderous remarks about me, my partner, and our business.  Less than 24 hours after I responded, an individual named Xxxxx Xxxx posted defamatory messages about my business all over Facebook on our company page, the Linn County GOP Iowa Facebook page, and over 20 other peoples’ personal Facebook pages, claiming that my business does not pay its bills and calling on Linn County Republicans and others to boycott my business.  In one of his statements on Facebook, Xx. Xxxx references my email response to Xxxxx Xxxxx on Saturday, January 15th. " 


Some might have the opinion that such a pattern of behavor was unwise but then this person seems to think that 




 I would say the above gives quite a few good reasons to



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:47 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 14 February 2015 7:28 AM CST
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Saturday, 14 February 2015 - 10:49 AM CST

Name: "Pete in Polk"


The chair of a county Republican party demanding bank records of another group that are none of her business. That chair threatening to use her position to drag in the media. What kind of twisted dictator is running your county Republican party?



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