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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 16 February 2015
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The Dialogue between Daffy Dan and the Gemini Jim Knox continues.
And like our Webmaster does in his Committee Facebook Posts If One is Good then he seems to think two or more are better. Cool 
So he has repeated posting an online article from about 6 years ago for the Second time

SO I have become again the focus of a left wind attack nut job Daffy Dan or Kentucky Dan also known as Dan Kauffman who seem to think they can reference another liberal blog The Cow Girl who made it one of their primary focuses to attack their biggest threat, me as a Montana Legislator..

Yes this is the same Daffy Dan as referenced in this 2009 blog who is still going the same things to destroy the local republican party

The drama never ends in Linn County GOP politics. Recently, Tim Palmer, editor of the Hawkeye Review Blog, was elected Chairman of the Linn County GOP. Linn County Republicans also elected a new Co-Chair,...
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  • James Knox I am sure this too will make their attack
  •  piece again! They are so worried about loosing the
  •  LCRCC election and they should be

 The article in question concerns my activities some 6 years ago when I observed that the then Executive Board as the Present one does now, was Violating the County Constitution, ByLaws and Rules of Order.
I took a stand against that acitvity as I have been doing recently
The culmination came when the Chair Ruled out of Order and refused to recognize a young man who rose to Challenge the Decision of the Chair.
He was reading his motion from a volume of Roberts Rules of Order when the Chair ruled him Out of Order and Refused to Recognize him.
At the Next meeting there was a Certified Parliamentarian in attendance and that Chair resigned his position to help a friend run for Congress.
The rest concerns my reaction when I was shown unquestionable evidence that some leaders of Faithbased Poltical Groups were engaged in Money Laundering and Corrupt Political Practices,.
I  STAND BY  MY ACTIONS portrayed in that article
As I am sure Mr Knox stands by his actions when he forgot that he was commenting in the Billings Gazette under the name of Nancy L and mistakenly signed his on name James Knox.
 Or when he used his position to orchestrate a Denial of Service Attack on another Rebublican
 Daffy Dan
I would say that when Mr Knox posted the following he speaks with the Voice of Experience

I have found at times when one takes a stand, generally a righteous stand is when the most vicious attacks upon ones integrity occur. I do not know about you, but I have also notices these attacks most often are made with ‘empty arrows’; that is false accusations, purposeful misconstrued information, and outright lies. 
Haters hate! This is what they do. They revel in the moments they feel their arrows strike victory and then revel again when they can deceive, but mostly they revel when you are unable to love. 
I love a good Hater for it reminds me I am on track, hitting the mark and impacting outcome in a positive manner.

I have found at times when one takes a stand, generally a righteous stand is when the most vicious attacks upon ones integrity occur. I do not know about you, but I have also notices these attacks most often are made with ‘empty arrows’; that is false accusations, purposeful misconstrued information, and outright lies.  Haters hate! This is what they do. They revel in the moments they feel their arrows strike victory and then revel again when they can deceive, but mostly they revel when you are unable to love.  I love a good Hater for it reminds me I am on track, hitting the mark and impacting outcome in a positive manner.
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As for Empty Arrows the Two Screen shots above
one from the Billings Gazette where Mr Knox forgot he was posting as Nancy L and signed his own name
and the other where he used his position as an Elected Official to organize a Denial of Service Attack on another Republican?
Are called in the vernacular Original Sources,
Because I do not believe that either the Billings Gazette nor Mr Knox's Email account could be described as
Liberal Blogs 
James Knox Took about 4 hours to ahve the hatting Eagle take his dump again.... predictable... 
Can Anyone Tell me what a "Hatting Eagle is?" 
Maybe Something like this?


Or would that be  more properly be called a HOODY Eagle? 
I don't think he means I am distinguished Like


I would say Mr Knox thinks of me as more Like



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:42 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 16 February 2015 6:14 PM CST
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Monday, 16 February 2015 - 2:01 PM CST

Name: "The Malcontent Miscreant"

I've corresponded with Nicole French as of late.  She is quite legitimate.  She served as the chair of the Young Republicans and put in quite a lot of work to get James Knox elected.  "I went to his house for Thanksgiving and helped that idiot get elected," says she.  I learned so many painful political lessons as a result of that election.  Good grief, if I'd only known who I was helping elect."  

Monday, 16 February 2015 - 6:44 PM CST

Name: "Anonymous"

Monday, 16 February 2015 - 18:28 CSTName:Anonymous    Comment:

I think he means, "...where you stack hats on top of each other in a pile til all of them fall off. started by Austin Mahone and Alex Constancio." 

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