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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

 On the 4th Day of the 11Th Month in the 220th  year of the Republic

 At the far edge of the Universe

As Witnessed by the Oracle Hubble

The Eye OF Sauron


And a Great Darkness Fell Upon the Land


And the Pundits Said: "By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them" 

And the Fruit Shall Be Bitter 


What is Theirs is Theirs

What is Yours is Theirs 

What you Built You Did Not-- They Did

They shall Stand Before you in Robes of Blue

 And They Shall Hide Their Blue Hearts Beneath Robes of Red

And Walk the Earth as DIABLOS

(Democrats In All But Label Only)


And so we Come to the Heart of Our Saga.

In My Last Post  Taking Candy From a Baby 

We discover that 3 Months AFTER the Election some of our Bills and Commitments have yet to be made Good?

Now the Chair DID provide some of the background

 have included the wording of the motion.
Pending the review & approval of the Iowa Ethics & Disclosure Board, I move that the Central Committee provide monetary tokens of
appreciation for results, to volunteers who collect absentee ballot request forms and completed absentee ballots.
Pay $0.50 for each completed request form from a registered Republican
Pay $1.00 for each ballot returned from a registered Republican Party Ballots
***Democrat, Independent, Third-Party, or Non-Party Ballot/Request forms are not eligible toward a volunteers tools. ***
Included in this motion is that the LCRCC body fund this with no more than $500.00 from the general fund, but continuously supplemented by earmarked donations specifically for this door-knocking absentee ballot effort.
 Motion made that the incentive program discussed at the Executive/Advisory ($10 Gift cards per 8 hour shifts) & the incentive program approved tonight be approved subject to putting procedures together so these programs can be implemented as soon as possible – amended to $750.
Jim Conklin (MR06) is checking on the legality of these proposals
  •   Motion made for all four Executive Board members must unanimously approve whatever legal rewording required if
    necessary if the original motion is not approved by the Ethics & Disclosure Board and maintain the integrity and intent of the
    wording of the original motion. MSP 

 To me the important part is


Jim Conklin (MR06) is checking on the legality of these proposals 

That was done and our Treasurer cut some checks which the Chair did NOT Sign, Refused to Sign so they were Signed by the Treasurer and the Co-Chair.

Was this done because there was in fact some question of the Legality?


The Chair is on Record that there was NO Illegality Found.

She Stated that TWICE when Questioned by Greg Hood,

She also stated that she did not wish to Sign the Checks bcause in her discussions she and others decided the Program


Which prompted a member of the Body to explode TWICE that She had Violated her Constitutional Duty to Fulfill the Instructions that the Body had issued by their Vote. 


Do such minor Details MATTER?

Not to this Chair it seems. 

And so we have a Young Man who EVERYONE knows worked tirelessly during the Election denied his rightful dues and the Chair is now Stonewalling.

Wants Records from someone who has no official duty to provide such things but who did herself work tirelessly at the Victory Office

To the Extent that she ended up with this


That was aquired during the After Election Cleanup.

An Event that had very few take part in.

And according to his person who DID stay and work cleaning up the Victory Office

 Cindy Golding never set foot inside that office to help clean or collect any files, such as volunteer numbers.  

So a Young Man who had every reaon to believe that the LCRCC would make good on their commitments.

Still has not been made Whole


After the Election??? 


And exactly WHO has been responsible for this matter most of the time since? 

 As I recall at the November Meeting shortly after the Election All Financial Matters were placed in the Hands of the Chair and an Interim Treasurer.


Now everyone knows this young man work himself to the Bone during the election.

As a matter of fact while a nice lookning young man he IS a tad too thin.

Some of us might remember being the same when we were young and sometimes ends were hard to meet,

We all KNOW the Committee owes him this money

What kind of Meanspirited, Petty, Vindictive Mentality would just Stonewall this issue?

Maybe the Same Meanspiirted, Small Minded Petty Person who read ladies working on an Event the Riot Act because they put out more than 5 mints on each table?

Or the same Meanspirited Small Minded Petty Person who proclaimed in a emailing to the Body about an LCRCC member recognized as the “Best in State” caller for the Victory Program. When in fact she tried to prevent that presentation to the Body.


Or the person who never realised that they should pay the same price as everyone else for a Ticket to the Christmas party purchased after the Discount Deadline and gave themselves the lower Price?

Of course their excuse was

 I paid for a guest speaker  dinner at the $40. so the LCRCC would not be out the cost of the guest dinner.

 I too have in the past paid for other people to attend Events

The difference between me and the Chair is that I paid the same price as everyone else 

 We had a couple of speakers who were able to come at the last minute.  We didn't expect them to speak an then pay to be there.   

 At this point I can only shake my head in confusion

I am stumped,

What kind of twisted mentality will try to foist a story like that over something that is Public Record? 

I mean you can go to the DR-2 and SEE that the persons giving the Discount Price after the Deadline

are folks that regularly attend LCRCC meetings and not a couple of speakers who were able to come at the last minute

I am not posting their names they just paid what they were told to,

The Chair is at fault here 

You can look for yourselves in the 


and see who got the discount.


Does the Chair feel that we are too STUPID to click on a link that will take us to an Online Report to the Ethics Board?

Or is it like her disregard for the County Constitution, Our ByLaws and Rules of Order

That She just thinks it does not matter what she does because She IS after all the


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:39 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 3:12 PM CST
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