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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Sunday, 22 February 2015
GOP Business

It has been the policy of the Communications Sub-Committee to reserve the Linn County GOP Group Page for Republican Party Business in Linn County,

We saw the Group Page as a means of communication within the Committee of Local items.

The Linn County GOP Fan Page was seen as a very good method of acheiving a broader reach to those outside the Committtee the wider Republican and Conservative audience,

Which is Why I Question whether the Following Posts on the Linn County GOP Fan Page Are in Fact.

APPROPRIATE Linn  County GOP Business and I Call upon the New Leadership to RESPOND with Why it is appropriate if they do feel that way or What they intend to Do about it if they feel it is not appropriate.

It is true that Mr Knox must have me blocked because when I went to the Linn County GOP Fan Page I did not see this but I have Loyal Readers who are willing to inform me and send me screenshots such as:


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We have been under attack for years, are you going to fight for your party?

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  • Daniel Kauffaman
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  • Daniel W Kauffman Jr Yes I am, as I have done before, when the Constitution, the By Laws and the Rules of Order are violated, I will speak up. Centralized control and government by Executive Edict will not result in silence from me
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs · Edited
Linn County GOP was mentioned in a post.

My friends of Linn County GOP I got to ask you this. If you knew there was a burglar knocking to enter your home through your front door, would you let them in knowing this?

Then why would you allow Iowa Conservative Union members participate in your organization? They have for the past 6 months or more publically published how they are working to 'destroy the LCRCC' and continual bashing all of you!

I ask you to give this some serious thought. You just voted in new officers, because you wanted this insanity to stop. Are you willing to take more actions to stop this insanity? Are you willing to stand up to the bullies (like burglars of your organization and Republican Party) and toss them out the door locking them out?

I am, join me in this effort of calling them out and showing them the door for we need to focus upon 'Electing Republicans' and this includes removing permanently that which stands in the way of our unified goals!

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  • 3 people like this.
  • Michael Beaver James: Take a moment to educate me...I was reading this, this morning
    LINN COUNTY POLITICAL PARTIES WOULD BE WELL SERVED TO ELECT MUCH BETTER TOP LEVEL LEADERSHIP!  The Perceived Problem With the Republican Central Committee Treasurer is a Fabrication!  The Chair Candidate and 4 New Candidates Seeking Sub Tier Positions Are No Improvement.   Source:  Iowalive  2-12-15
  • James Knox Michael more BS. If a group will not put their name to somethign they ahve no validity. This is just such a group. Also if you read the standards (or lack there of) upon which they grade.
  • Paul Pelletier Correct James Knox! Real people own up to your statments. Cockroaches do not. I have respect for someone who makes a statement I disagree with but stands behind it with conviction. I've none for those who do not.
  • James Knox Bill Dahlsten came up today asking me when the purge begins. I guess he in incapable of reading.
    1 hr · Edited · Like
  • Paul Pelletier I don't know why he'd say that James Knox. Didn't you see their post of them holding a "Committee" meeting and purging Julie because she did her job and was baiscly fair?
    21 hrs · Like · 1
  • James Knox Of course but they said the vote was 100�o did Julie vote herself out?
    21 hrs · Like · 1
  • Michael Beaver Is this "purging" for the good? Or is because someone doesn't agree? Next thing ya know they'll be telling us what we can read.
  • James Knox For good,
  • Michael Beaver I've read some of the the Iowa Conservation Union articles, and KD (Kentucky Dan) or whatever his name is, if not part of the solution then is part of the problem. However, taking a step back (keeping in mind I'm not taking sides) let's say that a fra...See More
  • James Knox Michael they are so far off it us not funny. Linn county is the laughing stock of Iowa politically because of their antics. 
    Intimidation, insulting, publically attacking individuals, voting them out and it goes on and on...
  • James Knox If you really want to know the skinny I can give you a whole host of names to contact.
  • Michael Beaver James: Thanks for the offer of a whole list of name to contact, I'll pass. Iowa has 99 counties, and is the laughing stock of Iowa politically because of their antics? That my friend will take me some time to process. Regardless, nothing can progress during a bitter bantering.
Linn County GOP was mentioned in a post.

Just love that feeling of waking up and knowing the new Executive Officers of the Linn County GOP are going to get along and the new Treasurer will not be continually sending letters threatening to take legal action against exposing the truth!

Great job Cindy L GoldingBrett Mason, Gary Ellis and Robin Tucker! I look forward to working with all of you over the next two years!!!

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 UPDATE: It would seem our New Co-Chair "likes" Mr. Knox's idea of purging ICU members from the LCRCC.  So I guess that is the answer from ONE member of the Executive Board.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:08 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 22 February 2015 9:30 PM CST
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Sunday, 22 February 2015 - 3:41 PM CST

Name: "Julie Blumer"

Mr. Knox!

Just to set the record straight, if anybody is interested. (I would prefer you actually speak to me before you include me in your propaganda). 

I called for the meeting of the credentials committee last week for the purpose of electing a new committee chair. I stepped down as Chair. The decision was made a couple of weeks ago, and the reasons are MY personal reasons that invlolve my family.  The attempt to exploit this action for someone's political agenda is not only discusting, it is indicative of the problems that lay withing the LCRCC. This type of malicious commentary has made my decision, unfortunatly, very very easy, and I'm afraid may potentially make it very easy for other hard working volunteers to limit their sacrifices for the LCRCC.

Julie Blumer

Monday, 23 February 2015 - 1:51 PM CST

Name: "anonymous"

Though most unfortunate, madam, must ye not give credit where credit is due?  For not one, but two sirs, one a former legislator the other a former leiutenant, have acted shall we say, "other than honorably."  


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