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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 27 February 2015
No Free Lunch


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"

Made famous in Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" is a concept that seems beyond the grasp of a lot of people. 

There are decisions that I feel people should make for themselves and then there are things that the government needs to do.

In my opionion roads without ruts and safe bridges fall among the latter.

So we have a Fuel Tax increase and along with that comes screaming that sounds a lot like Stuck Pigs,



Over what exactly?

I looked at the figures, I believe that it will cost me a bit less than $2 a month,

But some of you might be thinking you live a very boring life and never go anwhere,  For others it will cost more,

There is a lot of truth in that. So I looked at the   

Per Capita Motor Gasoline Consumption in Iowa

And I discover that the per capita gasoline consumption of Iowans is about 510 gallons a year.

So a 10 Cent Tax incease will hit them about $51 a Year or a tad less than $1 a week.

Last time I was in Hy Vee a diet coke cost me $1.59 plus deposit,

So we are not speaking of a Tax Increase that threatens the stability of the State's economy.

Also I have what some might call a pessimistic attitude,

They might even say my idea of positive thinking can be summed up by the words, "It could have been worse."

In this case that is true,

The last time the Fuel Tax Levy was increased was in 1988 and since then adjusted for Inflation and in Cosntant Dollars it has DECLINED by about 50%.

You can check that yourself at

CPI Inflation Calculator


What does that mean? It means WITH the 10 Cent incease our Fuel Tax Levy is in Constant Dollars 25% LESS than it was in 1988.

These matters of High Finance aside. There are other reasons why unlike others I am not that incenced over this Tax Incease,

I have more important things to concern myself with,

I have a President who feels like he needs to do what the Legislative Branch of the Government is not doing In His Opinion,


He feels like he does NOT have to do what the Legislative Branch writes into Law,

In other words he feels he can govern by Executive Edict.

That is on the National Level,

On the Local Level it seems to me that we ALSO have Executives who feel like they should Govern the Central Committee by  Executive Edict.

Neither is too concerned with  small matters  such as what the Constitution says or the Rule of Law.

Oddly enough I wonder if all the fuss and feathers on the Local level about a Tax increase that adds up to somewhere between 50 Cents to $1 a week might not be Misdirection.

Watch the shells see where the pea goes.

Let me see in one hand I have 50 Cents to $1 in the other my Basic Rights and Liberties are being attacked.

Which hand should I pay attention to?

Another thing I have noticed absent,'

In none of the Comments Sections where they are railing about the 10 Cent Tax Increase have I seen a Single Responce admonishing them

What does this have to do with Electing Republicans! 

Still it is nice to see that they feel it is necessary to Rise Up on matters of Principle to Lash Out at other members of Our Party when they  feel they are not living up to the Principles We are supposed to Stand For,

I mean that is What I Do. 

And here I thought they did not approve of such activity and it turns out that might be the one thing on which we agree. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:23 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2015 8:56 AM CST
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Saturday, 28 February 2015 - 10:17 AM CST

Name: "jeremy cobert "

et tu brute' ?  No Repulican should try and defned this. Especially considering Chet Culver cut 10% of the budget across the board. It's embarassing and degrading to anyone who now claims that Iowa Repbulicans are "fiscal conservatives".

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