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American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
For They Have Sown The Wind


For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.

Recently I sent out this email


From: Daniel Kauffman
Sent: ‎3/‎16/‎2015 9:23 PM
Subject: Committee or area of focus: Web and Social Media Integration

This is in conflict with the Charter for the Communications Subcommittee adopted
by the Central Committee

And is therefore in Conflict with Section VIII of the 
Constitution of the Republican Party of Linn County

I am very interested as to your response to this matter and you plans to rectify it
since you have publically stated your intent to

FOLLOW the County Constitution, ByLaws and State Election Code,

Be assured that if this should not be settled to my satisfaction

I will have no problem ensuring that almost the entire Republican population
of Linn county who use Facebook will have the opportunity to read my thoughts
on the matter

Dan Kauffman

Former County Parliamentarian
Former County Convention Parliamentarian
Twice Sgt at Arms of Iowa State Convention.

Last night I got the answer in a meeting that none of them bothered to send in an email.

With one fell swoop they abolished every single Sub-Committee and eliminated the results of years of hard work to

Replace all of them with some things called Teams which do the same things just shuffled around


Are Run by all their friends.  

The Body voted for it.

The Body will get to live with it.

Though it was not a landslide but 25 to 20  as I recall and while there were several people who would have voted against it not present.

I think the one factor that did the most to swing the outcome.


Was a Statement by our Chair that she had a

Definitive Parilaimentary Ruling

by among others a gentleman who has a Statewide reputation  for Parlaimentary knowledge 

There is one small problem with that claim.


At least according to him.  I got him online during the rest of the meeting and asked.

Their Parliamentary Ruling in my opinion amounts to finding a small incomplete Statement twisting it through multiple dimensionas while sticking their fingers in their ears closing their eyes and shouting


Nyah Nyah Nyah


And here it is in all it's pristine glory from  The County Constitution


The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and

treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may

provide. The Central committee shall organize following each general election, but no later

than the following April 1. 

The Exective Officers saw the word organize and said Oh Boy we get to change EVERYTHING

Not only THAT but we HAVE to do it be April 1 

Of course to support their contention there were Several things that they had to ignore,


Like  the Section of the ByLaws on Officers which clarifies what is meant  by

organize following each general election, but no later than the following April 1.  



The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Cahir, Co-Chair, Secretary and

Treasurer whose terms shall be for a period of two (2) years and the same shall be elected

immediately following each general election, but no later than the following April 1.


Central Committee shall elect either from its’ membership or otherwise a chair, co-chair,

secretary, treasurer and other officers as it may determine. After notification of an election,

any vacancies in said offices shall be filled by the County Central Committee.

It would appear the organize by April 1 refers to officers elections not wiping out all the structure of the Central Commitee and replacing it with one controlled by their cronies

They also had to ignore the section of the County Constitution which states


The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the

Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business

of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County

Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn

County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive

Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts VIII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the

Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business

of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County

Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn

County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive

Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.




The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from

each precinct at the precinct caucuses. The Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa

permits a provision to be adopted in the County by-laws for the election of additional Central

Committee members from each precinct in a number proportionate to the Republican vote

cast in the precinct at the last preceding general election for President of the United States or

for the Governor of Iowa, as the case may be.

The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County is vested in the Linn

County Central Committee, subject to direction from time to time by the County convention of

the party. The Linn County Central Committee shall have such officers and administrative

personnel as it may determine and shall organize its operations to attain the objectives of the

Republican Party, and shall have power to adopt by-laws to carry out its duties and the

purposes of this Constitution, provided such by-laws are not in conflict with the provisions of

the Republican National Convention, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa or this


When elected, a member of the County Central Committee must be a resident of the precinct

from which elected. The term of office of a member of the County Central Committee shall

begin on the day following the precinct caucus and shall continue until the next precinct

caucus and untuil his or her successor is elected and qualified. A member may be removed

by the County Central Committee for inattention to duty, incompetence, or active support of

an opponent of a Republican nominee. Vacancies on the County Central Committee shall be

filled by the County Central Committee.


Yes it says the general management of the Party in Linn County is the charge of the Central Commitee subject from time to time with direction of the County Convention.

Doesn't say a word about being subject to the direction of the Executive Committee

As a mater of fact it clearly states that the Exective Committee TAKES ORDERS from the Centrla Committee and not the reverse

In additon in the ByLaws it is stated that the Chair and Co-Chair

 assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the

Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned 

The implication being that the assisting, not decision making, is by the Exectuives and the assigning is by the Central Committee.

I should have been doing some writing upon these issues instead of letting them run a behind the scenes campaign unopposed.

But  I have not been well recently 


Several of our Dear Exectuives have been attending What used to be the Communications Sub-Committee meetings

Telling us that it was their desire to Build Bridges and Smooth over the Dissension and tear down the Wall of Distrust

And would I PLEASE give them a small amount of time to do this?

Like an Idiot 


And I stood down and stopped being so personally confrontational.

Where upon they Smiled

And proceeded to destroy everything some of us had spent years building up.

I am still kicking myself for being so naive as to Trust them

It will NEVER happen Again.

Yes when they said that they wanted to work WITH the Sub Committees and Tear down Walls and Build Trust back up?

They Lied

When the Chair stated that she had a Definitive Parliamentary Ruling by a Statewide Respected local Parliamentarian? 

Well it would be ungentlemanly to categorically state that she lied.

So since only one of them can be telling the Truth I will let You the Reader decide which one that is


And the portion of that email I sent out to the Executive Board where I said

I will have no problem ensuring that almost the entire Republican population of Linn county who use Facebook will have the opportunity to read my thoughts
on the matter

That is not hyperbole,

I fully intend to see that it happens 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:53 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 March 2015 9:03 AM CDT
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